The Grain Association has developed a new bank guarantee mechanism for forward contracts . A presentation of a new mechanism will allow exporters to get a higher price through a reliability premium, reduce the risk of potential losses to buyers and guarantee the reliability of suppliers,&... #agroUkraine #ForwardContracts #GrainAssociation
Ukraine increased Grain exports by 11.7% . During the marketing year July 2021/June 2022, Ukraine had boosted grain export to 16,536,000 tons, Ukrainian News Agency has reported. Ukraine has exported 10,737,000 tons of wheat, 4,022,000 tons ... #GrainExport2021 #UkraineGrainExport #UkraineGrainHarvest2021
In Ukraine, the number of all types of agricultural stock is decreasing. As of October 1, 2021, the number of main species of farm animals decreased by 1.7-6.7% in comparison with the same period in 2020, as reported by the Statistics Service of Ukraine. #Farmanimalsdecrease #farmAnimalsUkraine #farmingukraine
Milk production in Ukraine has also decreased. In January-September 2021, milk production declined by 6.1% compared to the same period in 2020, to 6.81 million tons, reported the State Statistics Service. Most milk for this period was produced in ... #MilkProduction #MilkProductionUkraine
Egg production has decreased. In January-September 2021, egg production in Ukraine decreased by 14.1% compared to the same period in 2020. According to the State Statistics Service, the largest number of eggs during this period wa... #agroUkraine #EggExportfromUkraine #EggProduction #EggProductioninUkraine
Ukraine will compete as the destination of the World Exhibition “Expo-2030”, putting forward Odesa as the host city. The official application was submitted by the Ukrainian delegation to the International Exhibitions Bureau in Paris. Should Ukraine succeed, reported theodessajournal. The World Exhibition will be hel... #Expo2030 #UkaineInWorldExpo #WorldExhibitionExpo2030 #WorldExpo2030
Ukrainian notaries have registered 29,500 land transactions. As of October 13, 2021, 29,493 agreements were concluded within the land market (Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine). “In total, there were 5,759 applications, of which 5,094 were approve... #LandforSaleinUkraine #LandMarket #LandMarketUkraine #LandPurchaseTransactions
The Ministry of Agriculture wants to replace the right of free privatization in “physical” hectares with the right to a fixed discount on the purchase and lease of state land, announced the Minister, Roman Leshchenko. This discount will be the same an... #FarmLandUkraine #LandPrivatization #UkraineFarmland #Ukrainelandlaw
The Government will support farmers who use land irrigation technology. In a recent announcement, the Prime Minister, Denys Shmyhal, said that the state will reimburse 25% of the costs of agricultural producers who have installed or modernized irrigation systems on their ... #IrrigationSystemsUkraine #IrrigationTechnology
Ukrzaliznytsia transported a record 3.8 million tons of grain in September 2021. The company shipped an average of 118,900 tons per day, which is 30.6% more than in September 2020 and 10.6% more than in September 2019. “The company has every opportunity to export a record amount o... #Ukrzaliznytsia #UZgraintransportation
Continental Farmers Group opened an agricultural potato storage the facility in the village of Chukva (Lviv region). The facility has the capacity to store up to 16,000 tons of potatoes, and the total cost of investment in the construction of the facility was UAH ... #ContinentalFarmersGroup #PotatoStorage #UkrainePotatoStorage
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has announced that 26,898 land agreements have been registered in Ukraine. As of today, 26,898 agreements have been concluded within the land market. There was a total of 5,742 applications, of which 5,073 were approved, 7 were in the queue for consideration, and 662 were re... #Landreformukraine #LandSales #LandSalesUkraine #UkraineLandMarket #UkrainianFarmLand
The first land auction in the Prozorro.Sales system has been announced. The first auction for the lease of communal agricultural land has been announced in the state electronic trading system Prozorro.Sales on November 9, 2021. A 2.1-hectare plot of land was put up for au... #FarmLandAuction #ProzorroAuction #ProzorroLandAuction #Prozorrosales
Land reform in Ukraine needs to be improved. On the 100-day anniversary of the land market, Ukrainian legislation lacks the last important link that will improve access to credit for small and medium farmers. For all Ukrainians to benefit from l... #FarmersUkraine #LandMarketUkraine #Landreformukraine
The harvest of oilseeds in Ukraine in 2021 is estimated to be 23.2 million tons, which is a 19% increase in volume from the 2020 harvest. “Despite the expected record harvest, prices for Ukrainian agricultural products remain quite high.... #agroUkraine #Oilseedsharvest #UkraineHarvest2021
Ukrainian honey has become one of the tops exported food products. Whilst we may see the main export goods for Ukraine are grain and iron ore, the export of honey is growing in both capacity and quality product. In 2020, Ukraine exported 80.8 thousand tons of honey, ... #ExportofHoney #HoneyExport #HoneyFromUkraine
Agro-industrial exhibition of Ukraine “AgroExpo-2021” has opened in the Kirovograd region. UkraineInvest’s Executive Director Sergiy Tsivkach took part in the opening of the event where 510 companies are represented, and participant levels are expe... #Agroexhibition #AgroExpo2021 #Agroindustrialexhibition #agroUkraine
Ukraine has exported 13.6 mln tons of grain in the 2021/2022 marketing year. As of September 29, Ukraine exported 13.611 mln tons of grains and pulses. The announcement was made by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. In September Ukraine h... #Grain #GrainfromUkraine #GrainHarvest2021 #UkraineGrainExport
Prozorro Auction for the lease and sale of the land. The online auction site began accepting bids for the lease of state and communal agricultural land, and the sale and lease of non-agricultural land. The function of was to ensur... #LandForSale #ProzorroLandSale #Prozorrosales #UkrainianLandforSale
Drip irrigation with Turkish and Italian suppliers for KSG Agro in Ukraine. Agroholding KSG Agro has begun installing drip irrigation systems for corn crops on an area of more than 300 hectares in the village of Nyva Trudova (Dnipropetrovsk region), which will double the yiel... #IrrigationSystemsUkraine #IrrigationTechnology #KSGAgro #KSGAgroUkraine
Kernel Verevsky bought back $50 million of its shares. Kernel’s subsidiary Etrecom Investments Limited of Cyprus has repurchased 3.23 million shares of Kernel shares at PLN 60 per share for a total of PLN 193.62 million (approximately $ 49.3 million... #KernelUkraine
The US is opening its market to exports of Ukrainian corn and wheat. “We are very much looking forward to the opening of the US market for Ukrainian corn and wheat because it will create new prospects for business development and economic growth of our country,... #UkraineandUS #WheatExporttoUS #WheatforUS
Seed Corp (Cherkasy) opens a plant in Ukraine. The Ukrainian division of the American company Remington Seeds launched the first stage of a corn seed production plant in the village of Helmiaziv (Cherkasy region). The project has an estimated valu... #SeedCorp #SeedCorpCherkassy #SeedCorpinUkraine
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is working with investors from the UAE who have expressed interest in investments in Ukraine’s agricultural sector. This includes UAE institutions and companies in the irrigation sector. The subject was the matter of discussion during a meeting of the Agrarian Policy Ministry representatives with the UAE government... #InvestorsfromUAE #IrrigationSystemsUkraine #UAEinvestsinUkraine
A new grain terminal to be built at Yuzhny port. According to the Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine (USPA). TC Tehagro LLC presented the project for the construction of a new grain terminal to the Council of the Administration of the Yuzhny (Pi... #GainterminalatYuzhnyport #TCTehagroLLC #Yuzhnyport
Almost 36,000 hectares of agricultural land have been sold in Ukraine. As of September 13, Ukraine registered 15,533 agreements on the purchase and sale of agricultural land (Ukrinform). According to the Ministry, 4,943 notaries submitted applications for access to the S... #FarmLandMarketUkraine #LandForSale #LandMarketUkraine
Ukraine exports 10.3 mln tones of cereals and legumes at the beginning of the period 2021/2022. Since the beginning of the 2021/2022 marketing year, Ukraine has exported 10.29 million tons of grain and leguminous crops. This figure is 11.7% more than the... #agroUkraine #CerealExportfromUkraine #Legumesexport #ВідвантаженнятоварівУкраїна
IFC & Ukraine agree to develop irrigation infrastructure. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food have signed an MOU to modernize and develop the irrigation and drainage sector in Ukraine. The aim is to increa... #IFCinUkraine #IrrigationSystemsUkraine #IrrigationTechnology
More than 13,000 land agreements are now registered in Ukraine. As of September 6, 12,784 agreements on the purchase and sale of agricultural land have been concluded. 27, 810 hectares of agricultural land have been sold throughout the country since July 1, 2021. ... #LandAgreementsUkraine #LandMarketUkraine
Ukraine records one of its hottest summers and the implications of global warming. With temperatures regularly rising above 40C, this threatens its agriculture sector that accounts for “Water unavailability and heat stress during periods of increased temperature already impact the y... #AgroUkraine2021 #HotSummerUkraine #HotweatherUkraine
The serious challenge posed by desertification and lack of proper irrigation systems. Due to desertification, the lack of investment and poor technologies, 20% of Ukraine’s arable land is degraded and unproductive. Farmers have been forced to get creative as the old and under-maintaine... #agroUkraine #IrrigationSystemsUkraine #IrrigationTechnology
Scope for deepening cooperation with World Bank identified. President Zelensky discussed with World Bank Group President David Malpass land reform, irrigation, and agricultural development. He reported that the World Bank is ready to support land reform, irrig... #DavidMalpass #UkraineandWorldBank #UkrainecooperationwithWorldBank
The economy is recovering from the “coronavirus downfall, ” the Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal told the Government on August 26. “For the first time in many months, the agricultural sector grew by 2.5%. There’s an active upturn is in important industries... #economyofukraine #UkraineEconomy2021 #UkraineEconomyrecovers
Ukraine has boosted exports of agricultural produce this year compared to 2020, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reports. As of August 25, exports the 2021/2022 marketing year (MY, began on Jul. 1, 2021) reached 6.488 million tonnes, which is 127,000 tonnes more ... #agroexportukraine #UkraineFoodExport
After being launched on July 1, 2020, the land market reform is showing results. As of August 25, 9,072 agreements have been concluded within its framework. Transactions for 19,356 hectares of land were registered. Most land plots were sold in Poltava region (2,284 ha), Kharkiv re... #agroUkraine #Landmarketreform #LandMarketUkraine #Ukrainelandforsale
After battling wildfires last week, Algeria is citing climate change as the reason for reaching out to Ukraine Tuesday to boost grain imports, Mykola Gorbachev, president of the Ukrainian Grain Association, writes on Facebook. “Algerian representatives stressed that due to climate change, Algeria will need to increase grain imports, and Ukra... #Gra
Nibulon, exporter of almost 10% of Ukraine’s grains, is reaching out to new markets: Mauritania, Burundi, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Pakistan and Vietnam. Looking around the globe, Nibulon is pursuing markets in West Africa, the Middle East and South America. Last year, the breakdown of ... #grainexport #NibulonExport #nibulonukraine
The USDA has cut its forecast for Russia’s wheat harvest by 15%, to 72.5 million tons. By contrast, the forecast for Ukraine’s wheat harvest has been increased by 10%, to a record 33 million tons, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Similarly, the forecast for... #UkraineWHeatharvest #WheatHarvest2021
Farmers in Zaporizhia are reporting the largest early grain harvest in the region’s history – 3.2 million tons . Yields were up 15%, to 31.8 centners per hectare, according to the region’s press service. A centner is about 100 kilograms. #farmingukraine #Harvest2021 #ZaporizhiaHarvest
Farming was the most profitable economic activity in Ukraine last year, netting $3 billion, reports the National Scientific Center Institute of Agrarian Economics. Of the nation’s farms, 83% made money, and 17% lost money. In 2019, a year of record grain harvests, profits were 13% higher ... #AgroBusinessUkraine #UkraineAgriculture
In a turnaround, Ukraine’s food exports to the EU are up 10% yoy, to $3.7 billion, for the first seven months of this year, reports the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club. Last year, Ukraine’s good exports to the EU dropped by 11%, compared to 2019. So far this year, Ukraine has used up five quotas for duty-free exports of food t... #AgroExporttoEU #EuropeBuysUkrainefood #FoodExporttoEU #UkraineExporttoEU
The corn quota has only been 74% used due to massive shipments to China. The sugar quota has not been filled due to shortages at home. Ukraine is the fourth largest supplier of food to the EU, after the US, Brazil and the UK. #CornExporttoChina #CornQuotaUkraine #UkraineGrainExport
Ukraine cut exports of organic food products by 30% last year, but earned 8% more, according to a Swiss-Ukrainian study, cited by organicinfo news site. The EU bought 73% of the 332,000 tons of organic food exported last year by Ukraine. By selling 80 organic products to 40 countrie... #FoodExportfromUkraine #OrganicFoodExport #Ukraineexports
Since Ukraine’s new farm land market started on July 1, 5,552 sales agreements have been approved. The average price is $1,500 per hectare. “Everything is working normally, without conflicts,” Prime Minister Shmygal told the Cabinet yesterday. Until the end of 2023, sales can only between Ukrainian... #AgroBusinessUkraine #FarmLandUkraine #SaleofFarmLand
Ukraine’s top 25 agribusinesses control 9% of the nation’s cultivated farm land, according to a survey by Concorde Capital. The top five are: Kernel — 510,000 hectares; Ukrlandfarming — 475,000 hectares; MHP — 370,000; Agroprosperis — 300,000 hectares; and ... #agroexportukraine #agroUkraine
“Phenomenal yields” are pushing Ukraine’s wheat harvest to an all time record this summer , the Canada-based Western Producer news site reports in an article headlined: “Ukraine shines as Black Sea wheat takes hit.” Russia’s harvest may drop 4% to 82 million tons and Kazakhstan production ... #AgricultureUkraine #RecordHarvest2021 #UkraineHarvest2021
With wheat threshed from three quarters of the planted area, Ukrainian wheat farmers are seeing a 14% yoy jump in yields: 4.55 tons / hectare, compared to 3.98 t / ha last year. In Khmelnytskyi and Volyn regions, yields are hitting 6.06 t / ha. Thanks to the same favorable weather, barley yields are up 10% compared to la... #AgroHarvest2021 #GrainHarvest2021 #UKraineFarming #wheatfarmersUkraine
Concorde Capital’s agricultural expert Andriy Perederey writes: “Favorable weather this season is pushing grain yields higher…agriculture will be among the key drivers of Ukraine’s GDP growth this year.” #GrainfromUkraine #GrainHarvest #grainyieldsUkraine
Underlining Ukraine’s role as a world food power, exports of all grains are expected to hit 56 million tons, from a record harvest of 75.8 million tons, the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry predicted on Monday. During the current 2021-2022 market ye... #GrainExport2021 #Harvest2021 #UkraineFoodExport
Cargill, the US food giant, has acquired 51% ownership in Neptune Grain Terminal in Pivdennyi, Ukraine’s busiest Black Sea port. Designed to handle 5 million tons of grain a year, the terminal berth has a 16-meter water depth. Minority owner Andriy Stavnitser, of M.V. Cargo LLC, s... #CargillinUkraine #GrainTerminalCargill #NeptuneGrainTerminal