With gas prices spiking during frigid weather in Europe, Ukraine is cutting household gas prices by 30% and capping them until the end of March With gas prices spiking during frigid weather in Europe, Ukraine is cutting household gas prices by 30% and capping them until the end of March, according to a decision posted yesterday on the Cabinet... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
In November, the pandemic’s peak in Ukraine, the number of people who died in Ukraine was up 35% yoy, to 63,440. In November, the pandemic’s peak in Ukraine, the number of people who died in Ukraine was up 35% yoy, to 63,440. In October, the deaths were up 17.5% reports the Civil Service. During the first 11 mon... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
This reintroduction of price controls is expected to rule out Ukraine receiving an IMF aid tranche during the first quarter. This reintroduction of price controls is expected to rule out Ukraine receiving an IMF aid tranche during the first quarter. Timothy Ash writes: “Hard to see the IMF lending while this cap remains in ... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Corporate farms suffered a 14% yoy drop in crop harvests in 2020 Corporate farms suffered a 14% yoy drop in crop harvests in 2020, the State Statistics Service reported yesterday. While this export-oriented sector was hardest hit, Ukraine’s overall agricultural pro... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Ukrzaliznytsia trains carried 61% of the Ukraine’s grain for export last year, Ukrzaliznytsia trains carried 61% of the Ukraine’s grain for export last year, the railroad reports. Overall, UZ moved 35.2 million tons of train last year – 87% for export. Grain accounted for 11.5% ... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Ukrzaliznytsia, the workhorse of Ukrainian logistics, carried 40 million tons of cargo between Ukraine and the EU last year Ukrzaliznytsia, the workhorse of Ukrainian logistics, carried 40 million tons of cargo between Ukraine and the EU last year, the state railroad reports. One quarter of that traffic was with Poland. Ex... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Rail container traffic grew by 11% Rail container traffic grew by 11%, to 425,000 TEUs in 2020, Ukrzaliznytsia reports. The portion of traffic carried in dedicated container trains jumped by 41%, to 230,000 TEUs. Direct container train... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Chinese trains passing across Ukraine to the EU “significantly increased,” Chinese trains passing across Ukraine to the EU “significantly increased,” UZ said. Seeking to develop Ukraine as a transportation corridor, UZ is developing new EU routes with DHL Global Forwarding a... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Fueled partly by Chinese demand, Metinvest, Ukraine’s largest private company, rode strong steel prices to Fueled partly by Chinese demand, Metinvest, Ukraine’s largest private company, rode strong steel prices to report steel output growth by 9% yoy last year, to 8.3 million tons. Its Inhulets mining and ... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Looking ahead Looking ahead, Concorde Capital’s Dmytro Khoroshun writes: “We expect Metinvest to continue producing steel at daily rates of at least 23-24 kt in January-February in order to make the most of the rec... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Ukraine’ pig iron exports increased by 20% yoy last year Ukraine’ pig iron exports increased by 20% yoy last year to 3.1 million metric tons, reported Steelorbis news site. In value terms, exports rose 15% to $992 million. The biggest buyers were: US – 58.5... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Interpipe Steel said that it is the Ukraine’s first steel company to meet European Green Deal targets for 2050 Interpipe Steel said that it is the Ukraine’s first steel company to meet European Green Deal targets for 2050: its emissions do not exceed 250 kg of CO2 per ton of steel produced. This producer of st... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
“Law enforcement agencies, former shadow owners and oligarchic groups” and attempting “to stop and roll back the privatization” “Law enforcement agencies, former shadow owners and oligarchic groups” and attempting “to stop and roll back the privatization” of United Mining and Chemical Company, Ukraine’s state-owned titanium pr... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Kyiv’s office vacancy rate grew to 12.5% in 2020, up from 9% in 2019, Kyiv’s office vacancy rate grew to 12.5% in 2020, up from 9% in 2019, reports NAI Ukraine, the commercial real estate consultancy. At the same time, rents dropped by an average of 20%: to $20-30 per s... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
This year could be good for renters and tough for landlords. This year could be good for renters and tough for landlords. Plans call for developers to unleash 370,000 square meters of new space on the market – almost five times the 2020 amount. At the same time... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
The enhanced coronavirus quarantine – or lockdown – will not be extended after Sunday night, The enhanced coronavirus quarantine – or lockdown – will not be extended after Sunday night, Prime Minister Shmygal told Interfax-Ukraine yesterday. On Monday, Ukraine returns to the milder ‘adaptive’... #chinesetrains #FarminginUkraine #GasPricecontrol #harvest2020 #InterpipeUkraine #Metinvest #PigIronUkraine #Railcontainertraffic #SteelPrices #Titaniumproduction #UkrainianSteel #Ukrzaliznitsa #UZ
Ukraine’s biggest ski resort Bukovel is fully booked through the New Year’s holidays Ukraine’s biggest ski resort Bukovel is fully booked through the New Year’s holidays, Reuters reports from the Carpathians. With EU skis closed or inaccessible to Ukrainian tourists, Bukovel is jammed... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Ukraine faces a second year of high foreign debt payments in 2021– $16.1 billion. Ukraine faces a second year of high foreign debt payments in 2021– $16.1 billion. This is almost double the payments expected for 2022 – $8.6 billion – and $8.9 billion in 2023, the ... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
AVELLUM law firm is emerging as Ukraine’s leading advisor on Eurobond issuances, advising on $1.2 billion worth of bonds AVELLUM law firm is emerging as Ukraine’s leading advisor on Eurobond issuances, advising on $1.2 billion worth of bonds in the second half of 2020. They were: Kernel’s $300 million offering of 2027 n... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Since freight service started in June 2020, 22 Chinese container trains have arrived at Kyiv-Liski Left Bank station Since freight service started in June 2020, 22 Chinese container trains have arrived at Kyiv-Liski Left Bank station, reports Ukrzaliznytsia. The trains take about two weeks to travel 9,000 km from Ch... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Ukrzaliznytsia is forcing the first private freight operator on UZ tracks to charge haulage tariffs seven times those of the state railroad, Ukrzaliznytsia is forcing the first private freight operator on UZ tracks to charge haulage tariffs seven times those of the state railroad, reported RBK Ukraina. Earlier this month, UZ signed the fir... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
To take tractor-trailer trucks off the roads, Ukrzaliznytsia plans to offer shippers the option of sending semi-trailers to the EU on flatbed wagons To take tractor-trailer trucks off the roads, Ukrzaliznytsia plans to offer shippers the option of sending semi-trailers to the EU on flatbed wagons, Volodymyr Zhmak, the railroad’s CEO, tells Mintran... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Five or six “large domestic and foreign investors are ready to participate” in leasing some of Ukraine’s busiest rail stations Five or six “large domestic and foreign investors are ready to participate” in leasing some of Ukraine’s busiest rail stations, Alexander Pertsovsky, head of UZ’s ‘Passenger Company,’ tells Mintrans. ... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Thefts of parts from private company wagons in UZ workshops has become so bad that Lemtrans has started painting its removable parts a signature lemon yellow Thefts of parts from private company wagons in UZ workshops has become so bad that Lemtrans has started painting its removable parts a signature lemon yellow, reported Rail.Insider. Lemtrans, the owne... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
VR Capital, the London-based emerging markets hedge fund, is pursuing litigation against Ukrzaliznytsia over a $300 million package of defaulted loans VR Capital, the London-based emerging markets hedge fund, is pursuing litigation against Ukrzaliznytsia over a $300 million package of defaulted loans that VR acquired two years ago at auction from Ru... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
In the first quarter of 2021, DTEK Energy will launch Ukraine’s first industrial-scale energy storage system project In the first quarter of 2021, DTEK Energy will launch Ukraine’s first industrial-scale energy storage system project, DTEK CEO Maksym Timchenko announced last week. US company Honeywell is build... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
With demand high for lithium for batteries, Gosgeonadr, the state Geology Service, is trying to conduct a public, online auction of two deposits With demand high for lithium for batteries, Gosgeonadr, the state Geology Service, is trying to conduct a public, online auction of two deposits – a 40-hectare site in Donetsk region and a 300-hectare... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
The Prosecutor General’s Office yesterday charged Oleksandr Tupytsky The Prosecutor General’s Office yesterday charged Oleksandr Tupytsky, chairman of the Constitutional Court, with bribing a witness to make him give false testimony. The charge comes one week after Rad... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
The Cabinet of Ministers approved yesterday seven production-sharing agreements with private and state companies for the production of oil and gas. The Cabinet of Ministers approved yesterday seven production-sharing agreements with private and state companies for the production of oil and gas. Only one foreign company is involved – Houston-based... #aboutukraine #debt #debtpayments #lithium #mininiglithium #privatetrains #ukraine #ukrainedebt #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #UZ
Calling the condition of the state railroad’s freight wagons “catastrophic”, the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a “program of radical renewal” Calling the condition of the state railroad’s freight wagons “catastrophic”, the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted a “program of radical renewal” — replacing all 63,000 in the state fleet o... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
A total renewal of the wagon fleet will generate “billions of Hryvnia of government orders for Ukrainian manufacturers, hundreds of thousands of jobs A total renewal of the wagon fleet will generate “billions of Hryvnia of government orders for Ukrainian manufacturers, hundreds of thousands of jobs, additional GDP growth of 2% per year,” the minist... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Cracking down on overloaded trucks, the National Police checked 75,000 trucks last month Cracking down on overloaded trucks, the National Police checked 75,000 trucks last month, almost four times the number of checks performed in November of last year. So far this year, police have 665,0... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Air cargo through Kyiv-Boryspil is down by only 10% through November Air cargo through Kyiv-Boryspil is down by only 10% through November, compared to the first 11 months of last year. Air cargo dropped to 33,400 tons, Anton Borisyuk, the airport’s strategic developmen... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
In a bid to unlock billions of dollars in low interest IMF loans, the Rada restored accountability for false asset declarations, albeit a watered down version. In a bid to unlock billions of dollars in low interest IMF loans, the Rada restored accountability for false asset declarations, albeit a watered down version. Approved Friday, the new bill raised the... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Anti-corruption groups have protested. Anti-corruption groups have protested. President Zelenskiy wrote on Facebook: “It is a pity that the responsibility is still not as tough as we would like.” But he made clear he would sign the comprom... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Ukrainian bonds are among the best performing in emerging markets in the post-US-election rally Ukrainian bonds are among the best performing in emerging markets in the post-US-election rally, reports Tellimer Research. “Sovereign bonds lead the way, tightening 100-150bps in November and outperf... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Russia restarted construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on Saturday Russia restarted construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on Saturday, Ukraine’s Hromadske television channel reports, citing a document from the Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agen... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Germany’s government sees US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 as illegal and does not predict any change under a Biden administration Germany’s government sees US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 as illegal and does not predict any change under a Biden administration, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tells Der Spiegel. “”We h... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
With Britain apparently heading toward a ‘hard Brexit’ With Britain apparently heading toward a ‘hard Brexit’ three weeks from now, Ukraine is asking the UK to negotiate a bilateral trade deal to lower tariffs. On Friday, Prime Minister Shmygal asked UK A... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Representatives of over 100 Ukrainian companies took part remotely in a China-Ukraine investment fair, hosted in Beijing Representatives of over 100 Ukrainian companies took part remotely in a China-Ukraine investment fair, hosted in Beijing, reports china.org.cnnews site With almost 300 Chinese and Ukrainian business a... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
Huawei Ukraine is helping the Digital Transformation Ministry open a center Huawei Ukraine is helping the Digital Transformation Ministry open a center “for students and future entrepreneurs” at Kyiv’s Taras Shevchenko National University. “This initiative opens up new opport... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
For the first time since Independence, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry is about to order new planes from Antonov For the first time since Independence, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry is about to order new planes from Antonov, Strategic Industries Minister Oleh Urusky tells Radio Svoboda. “A contract will be signed b... #aircargo #anticorruptionbill #HuaweiUkraine #imf #IMFloans #infrastructureUkraine #newrailroadcarts #newsaboutukraine #nordstream2 #nordstream2restarts #overloadadtrucks #ubn #ukrainetoday #UZ
With a big budget funding gap looming, Ukraine may tap the international Eurobond market for up $1 billion in short term financing With a big budget funding gap looming, Ukraine may tap the international Eurobond market for up $1 billion in short term financing, Prime Minister Shmygal told the Korrespondent news site. He asserts ... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Timothy Ash writes from London Timothy Ash writes from London: “Surprised it took them so long given the strength of global beta which has seen Ukraine’s borrowing costs in the Eurobond market crash 200bps lower over the past month... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Through October, Ukraine has attracted $221 million in new direct foreign investment — 5% of the $4.5 billion attracted during the first 10 months of last year Through October, Ukraine has attracted $221 million in new direct foreign investment — 5% of the $4.5 billion attracted during the first 10 months of last year, the National Bank of Ukraine reported y... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Corporate raiding — stealing companies through forgeries or force — is up slightly this year compared to last year Corporate raiding — stealing companies through forgeries or force — is up slightly this year compared to last year, reports Ukrinform, citing data from Opendatabot, an online registry. Through October... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Ukrzaliznytsia plans to spend almost $1 billion next year on repairing locomotives, cars, and track — almost three times the money spent this year. Ukrzaliznytsia plans to spend almost $1 billion next year on repairing locomotives, cars, and track — almost three times the money spent this year. As posted on the state railroad’s site, financing wo... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Despite the corona recession, cargo handled by Ukraine’s seaports is up by 1% yoy. Despite the corona recession, cargo handled by Ukraine’s seaports is up by 1% yoy. Through November, the ports handled 146 million tons. Confirming Ukraine’s reliance on exports of raw materials, grai... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Kyiv’s autumn (September-November) was the warmest since local record keeping started in 1881 Kyiv’s autumn (September-November) was the warmest since local record keeping started in 1881, reports Ukrinform. “The calendar autumn is over but the meteorological winter has not come yet,” reports ... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ
Ukrainians can look forward to a normal shopping this weekend and, probably through Friday December 25, Catholic Christmas. Ukrainians can look forward to a normal shopping this weekend and, probably through Friday December 25, Catholic Christmas. Prime Minister Shmygal said November’s weekend shopping bans had cut the spr... #businessnewsukraine #eurobondmarket #eurobonds #newsukraine #shoppingukraine #ubn #ukraine #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday #ukrzaliznytsa #UZ