A parquet factory was sold 900% over the starting price, and the state is looking for an investor for a juice factory in Vinnytsia. On January 23, the State Property Fund held an privatization auction for the parquet shop, which is on the balance sheet of the Kostopil Forest Farm. The plant was sold for ₴11.22M, with a starting pr... #AlufinishUkraine #BrailivJuiceFactory #ParquetFactory #PrivatizationUkraine #ProzorroUkraine #StatePropertyFund
Seven state-owned joint-stock companies are selling their assets at public auctions. These sales will take place according to new rules regarding online auctions in the electronic trading system Prozorro.Sales, the Ministry of Economy reported. Electronic auctions for the sale and lea... #AuctionUkraine #PrivatizationUkraine #ProzorroUkraine #UkrainianRailways #Ukrposhta #YuliyaSvyridenko
The government finalized the launch of large-scale privatization. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the necessary technical changes to start the process of large-scale privatization through the Prozorro.Sales system. According to the Ministry of Economy, the approve... #PrivatizationAuctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #ProzorroUkraine
With EU support, Ukrainian civil society launches a new project to monitor spending on recovery projects. The Big Recovery Portal online platform will be developed by the non-government organization Technologies of Progress, announced an EU delegation to Ukraine. Analytics will be provided by the Center f... #BigRecoveryPortal #ProzorroUkraine #UkraineRecovery
The WB will require the use of the Prozorro platform for Ukraine’s reconstruction. The Prozorro e-procurement system, including the Prozorro Market e-catalogs, meets the e-procurement requirements for World Bank-financed operations. The World Bank team conducted their relevant analy... #ArupBanerjee #ProzorroUkraine #worldbank
The Prozorro auction site contributed a record ₴57 mln in taxes and dividends to Ukraine’s budget. In an announcement from the Ministry of Economy, in the first nine months of 2021 Prozorro.Sales paid a record ₴57.3 ($2.17mln) in taxes and dividends to the state budget. Of these, ₴8.9 mln ($338,000... #ProZorro #Prozorrosales #ProzorroUkraine #TaxesfromProzorro