The US imposed no sanctions against Nord Stream-2, but might allocate $300 mln for Ukraine. Whilst the draft U.S. Defense Budget for the fiscal year 2022 (NDAA) does not include proposals for sanctions against Russia’s Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, which Republican senators have been adv... #NordStream2sanctions #USallocatesmoneyforUkraine #USandUkraine
US to impose new sanctions on Nord Stream 2. The announcement was made in a statement by the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. The State Department had submitted a report to the US Congress listing two ships and the Russian-related company Tr... #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #USsanctionsforNordStream2
The EU’s third energy package should be fully applied to Nord Stream 2, said the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. “As we have repeatedly stressed the 2019 Gas Directive, EU’s Third Energy Package fully applies to Nord Stream 2,”... #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #UrsulavonderLeyen
US State Department has imposed more sanctions in connection with Nord Stream 2. On Aug. 20 it announced sanctions against 2 more Russian citizens and a Russian vessel involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. President Joe Biden has also signed an Executive ... #NordStream2sanctions #RussianPipeline #USandNordStream2
The US House of Representatives approved an appropriations bill last week that mandates sanctions against Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline , Ukraine’s Embassy in Washington posts on Facebook. The bill allocates $481.5 million in aid to Ukraine, a 6% increase over last year. The Senate is seen as hostile to the Russia-Germany Baltic Sea g... #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #usagainstnordstream2
US Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, is holding up all State Department nominees to pressure the Biden Administration to impose tougher sanctions on the Russia-Germany Nord Stream 2 pipeline , NBC News reports from Washington. Caught in the logjam are 13 posts, including two undersecretaries, three assistant secretaries, and ‘half a dozen’ Ambassadors. President Biden, a Democrat, is seek... #NordStream2sanctions #SenatorTedCruz #SenatorTedCruzsanctions
Sanctions can stop certification of Nord Stream 2 and sanctions can prevent companies from buying the gas , Yuriy Vitrenko, Naftogaz CEO, tells Interfax-Ukraine in an interview. “The United States can ensure that certification does not take place,” he said. “For this gas pipeline to work, much more is nee... #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #RussianGasPipeline
Facing default this July on a $1.5 billion loan from China Facing default this July on a $1.5 billion loan from China, the management of Ukraine’s State Food and Grain Corporation has denounced that the British-American manager overpaid salaries during four m... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
“We identified several cases of systematic misappropriations of company funds and other gross mismanagement,” “We identified several cases of systematic misappropriations of company funds and other gross mismanagement,” Cherniavsky wrote Wednesday in a letter to the US Embassy. In an email to the UBN yesterda... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
China and Ukraine should compartmentalize their economic relationship China and Ukraine should compartmentalize their economic relationship, not allowing President Zelenskiy’s sanctions on Chinese companies investing in Motor Sich to poison wider bilateral trade and inv... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
Ukraine plans to launch the its latest remote sensing satellite, Sich 2-30, into Earth orbit by the end of this year Ukraine plans to launch the its latest remote sensing satellite, Sich 2-30, into Earth orbit by the end of this year, Strategic Industries Minister Oleh Urusky told a recent meeting of spacecraft deve... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
In the latest of three court setbacks for Ihor Kolomoisky In the latest of three court setbacks for Ihor Kolomoisky, a 6-year, $6 billion claim by Kolomoisky and his partners against Ukraine ended yesterday after the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Ch... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
Separately, in London on Monday Separately, in London on Monday, an English judge ordered Kolomoisky and his business partner Gennadiy Bogolyubov to pay PrivatBank £1 million in addition to an existing court-ordered payment of £11 m... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
Defending his decision to close three pro-Kremlin TV channels, Defending his decision to close three pro-Kremlin TV channels, President Zelenskiy has met with managers of other major TV stations and with ambassadors of the G-7 nations. In both cases, the Presiden... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
Zelenskiy acted as Russian President Putin planned more investment in Ukraine’s media Zelenskiy acted as Russian President Putin planned more investment in Ukraine’s media, Mikheil Saakashvili, the former president of Georgia, wrote in an essay for the Kyiv Post: “Zelensky’s courage to... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
The closing of the three stations was appealed yesterday to the Supreme Court The closing of the three stations was appealed yesterday to the Supreme Court. A Presidential decree cannot be stayed until a higher court, the High Administrative Court, hears the case. Viktor Medved... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
The Biden Administration is continuing the Trump administration’s opposition to Nord Stream 2, The Biden Administration is continuing the Trump administration’s opposition to Nord Stream 2, DPA, the German news agency, reports from Washington of the Russia-Germany gas line. “Nord Stream 2... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
Dragon Capital predicts Ukraine’s GDP will grow this year by 5.3%, Dragon Capital predicts Ukraine’s GDP will grow this year by 5.3%, Tomas Fiala, the investment bank’s CEO, said yesterday at the European Business Association. This would bring the GDP to $171 b... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
In the last quarter of 2020, Ukraine’s economy returned to pre-crisis levels, In the last quarter of 2020, Ukraine’s economy returned to pre-crisis levels, the same level as in Q4 2019, he said. “We expect that last year’s GDP fell by only 4%,” Fiala said. “This is ... #ChinaandUkriane #DefaultonchinaLoan #KolomoyskiyandPrivatbank #KolomoyskiyLosses #KremlinTVblockage #MotorSichSetelite #NordStream2sanctions #UkraineGDP2021
The government’s plan to cut gas prices by one third is sparking a flurry of meetings between the IMF representative and government ministers. “ The government’s plan to cut gas prices by one third is sparking a flurry of meetings between the IMF representative and government ministers. “We had a constructive meeting with the IMF on gas prices... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Aware of the IMF’s core attachment to market prices for gas, Aware of the IMF’s core attachment to market prices for gas, acting Energy Minister Yuriy Vitrenko and Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko also explained the government’s position to IMF representatives... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
From London, Timothy Ash stressed the importance of market prices for a major source of Ukraine’s heat and electricity: From London, Timothy Ash stressed the importance of market prices for a major source of Ukraine’s heat and electricity: “The move to market-based gas pricing in Ukraine has produced huge wins in recen... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Spawning street protests in at least eight regional capitals, the spike in Ukraine’s gas prices stems from Spawning street protests in at least eight regional capitals, the spike in Ukraine’s gas prices stems from: cold weather, high prices in Europe, and a poorly implemented market opening that allows pri... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
At stake is $2.9 billion of low interest loans remaining to be disbursed from the IMF’s $5 billion Stand-By Arrangement of last summer. At stake is $2.9 billion of low interest loans remaining to be disbursed from the IMF’s $5 billion Stand-By Arrangement of last summer. The agreement is widely seen as a seal of approval for Ukraine’s... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
One year after the last-minute renegotiation of Ukraine’s gas transit deal with Gazprom, One year after the last-minute renegotiation of Ukraine’s gas transit deal with Gazprom, Naftogaz reports that the Russian state company paid its 2020 bill in full — $2.1 billion. Gazprom paid f... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Today, the US State Department is expected to issue a report listing which European companies working on Nord Stream 2 will be subject to US sanctions, Today, the US State Department is expected to issue a report listing which European companies working on Nord Stream 2 will be subject to US sanctions, Reuters reports from Washington. In advance, Ram... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
TIU Canada of Calgary is suing Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant for disconnecting the Canadians’ 10.5 MW solar plant last March TIU Canada of Calgary is suing Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant for disconnecting the Canadians’ 10.5 MW solar plant last March, ostensibly because the Ferroalloy Plant did not want to pay green power rates. ... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Ukraine’s coal production fell by 7% last year, hitting 29 million tons, near the level of 1916 Ukraine’s coal production fell by 7% last year, hitting 29 million tons, near the level of 1916, reports the Energy Ministry. Employment in coal mines is about 30,000 today – 6% the level of the end o... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Western Ukraine Coal Construction, Ukraine’s last state company devoted to building coal mines, goes up for auction in 10 days Western Ukraine Coal Construction, Ukraine’s last state company devoted to building coal mines, goes up for auction in 10 days, reports the State Property Fund. The company has 15,700 square meters at... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
The State Property Fund plans to sell 500 state properties this year to private owners The State Property Fund plans to sell 500 state properties this year to private owners, Dmytro Sennychenko, the head of the Fund, wrote on Facebook. “Privatization grows jobs, improves the socio-econo... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
Regional airports are primed for a post pandemic takeoff Regional airports are primed for a post pandemic takeoff. UkSATSE traffic numbers for 2020 confirmed the dominance of Kyiv’s two big airports – Boryspil (47,524 flights) and Sikorsky (12,805). The air... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy
The EBRD is working with the Infrastructure Ministry to create dedicated funds to develop Ukraine’s airports and railway infrastructure The EBRD is working with the Infrastructure Ministry to create dedicated funds to develop Ukraine’s airports and railway infrastructure, Minister Vladyslav Krykliy said yesterday on the ministry websi... #CanadianSolarPlantTIU #gasprices #Gaspricescontrol #GastransitforGazprom #nordstream2 #NordStream2sanctions #PrivatizationinUkraine #TIUagainstKolomoyskiy