Dragon Capital writes: Dragon Capital writes: “With the 2021 budget’s deficit target set at 5.5% of GDP, government borrowing needs will remain high this year, keeping it reliant on cooperation with the IMF.” #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
Ukraine’s 16-day lockdown of restaurants and shopping malls starts tomorrow Ukraine’s 16-day lockdown of restaurants and shopping malls starts tomorrow. Confirmed new coronavirus cases totaled 6,911 yesterday morning – one half the daily average of one month ago. In light of ... #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
In face of business pressure to soften or shorten the lockdown In face of business pressure to soften or shorten the lockdown, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov told reporters yesterday: “The Health Ministry is against the postponement of the quarantine, against it... #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
In 2020, 20 Ukrainian films backed by the State Film Agency are now screening in cinemas, and 92 new film projects were launched In 2020, 20 Ukrainian films backed by the State Film Agency are now screening in cinemas, and 92 new film projects were launched, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Culture and Information Policy Minister, told rep... #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
French President Emmanuel Macron is one of a string of Western leaders expected to visit Ukraine this year French President Emmanuel Macron is one of a string of Western leaders expected to visit Ukraine this year. Next Tuesday, Moldova’s new, pro-EU President Maia Sandu will visit Kyiv, the first such vis... #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
Odesa region’s Pivdennyi port consolidated its position as Ukraine’s premier sea port last year, increasing cargo by 14.5% yoy, and accounting for 39% for all of Ukraine’s waterborne trade. Odesa region’s Pivdennyi port consolidated its position as Ukraine’s premier sea port last year, increasing cargo by 14.5% yoy, and accounting for 39% for all of Ukraine’s waterborne trade. Ukraine’s ... #BankReserves #Budget2021 #CherkassiMayor #Dniprocargo #dniproriver #PortPivdenniy #Statefilmagency #TodayUkraine #UkraineBankreserves #Ukrainenews #ukrainetoday
Poland has offered to transfer 1.5 million vaccine doses to Ukraine Poland has offered to transfer 1.5 million vaccine doses to Ukraine, Yevhen Enin, Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister, told Interfax-Ukraine. #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
COVAX COVAX – President Zelenskiy wrote Thursday on Telegram: “We are working to increase supply through COVAX [from 8 million] to 16 million doses.” COVAX is a multinational collaboration organize to ensur... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Russia’s Sputnik V Russia’s Sputnik V: Despite an announcement in Moscow that this vaccine will undergo ‘clinical trials’ in Ukraine, officials here say it will not be allowed. Arsen Zhumadilov, Head of Medical Procurem... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Poland has offered to transfer 1.5 million vaccine doses to Ukraine Poland has offered to transfer 1.5 million vaccine doses to Ukraine, Yevhen Enin, Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister, told Interfax-Ukraine. #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The Covid economy accelerated Ukrainians’ flight from cash in 2020 The Covid economy accelerated Ukrainians’ flight from cash in 2020, indicate figures from PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest bank. Last year, Ukrainians’ transactions with PrivatBank terminals increased by... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Russia’s Sputnik V Russia’s Sputnik V: Despite an announcement in Moscow that this vaccine will undergo ‘clinical trials’ in Ukraine, officials here say it will not be allowed. Arsen Zhumadilov, Head of Medical Procurem... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Surfing the net during lockdowns, Ukrainians boosted visits to Ukrainian Wikipedia last year by 21% yoy Surfing the net during lockdowns, Ukrainians boosted visits to Ukrainian Wikipedia last year by 21% yoy. In 2020, 855.1 million pages were visited, raising Ukrainian Wikipedia to the rank of 17th most... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The Covid economy accelerated Ukrainians’ flight from cash in 2020 The Covid economy accelerated Ukrainians’ flight from cash in 2020, indicate figures from PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest bank. Last year, Ukrainians’ transactions with PrivatBank terminals increased by... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Official numbers indicate Official numbers indicate that Ukraine’s coronavirus epidemic has receded according to official numbers. Hospitalizations are down 20% from the early December level of 28,500, Prime Minister Shmyhal s... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The New Year’s holiday temperatures were some of the warmest on record, with the weather comparable to that of a normal mid-October The New Year’s holiday temperatures were some of the warmest on record, with the weather comparable to that of a normal mid-October, reported Central Geophysical Observatory. On Thursday and Friday, r... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Surfing the net during lockdowns, Ukrainians boosted visits to Ukrainian Wikipedia last year by 21% yoy Surfing the net during lockdowns, Ukrainians boosted visits to Ukrainian Wikipedia last year by 21% yoy. In 2020, 855.1 million pages were visited, raising Ukrainian Wikipedia to the rank of 17th most... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Today, only one third of the nation’s 77,000 Covid beds are occupied Today, only one third of the nation’s 77,000 Covid beds are occupied, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov reported yesterday. This is a sharp contrast to November when Covid hospitals in Kyiv were full an... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Official numbers indicate Official numbers indicate that Ukraine’s coronavirus epidemic has receded according to official numbers. Hospitalizations are down 20% from the early December level of 28,500, Prime Minister Shmyhal s... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The New Year’s holiday temperatures were some of the warmest on record, with the weather comparable to that of a normal mid-October The New Year’s holiday temperatures were some of the warmest on record, with the weather comparable to that of a normal mid-October, reported Central Geophysical Observatory. On Thursday and Friday, r... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Confirmed cases may have dropped because people with mild cases do not want to go through the bother and expense of being tested. Confirmed cases may have dropped because people with mild cases do not want to go through the bother and expense of being tested. In addition, over the last three months, 6% of Ukraine’s population fe... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Today, only one third of the nation’s 77,000 Covid beds are occupied Today, only one third of the nation’s 77,000 Covid beds are occupied, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov reported yesterday. This is a sharp contrast to November when Covid hospitals in Kyiv were full an... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
“There is a probability that we actually have fewer people now being infected with this coronavirus “There is a probability that we actually have fewer people now being infected with this coronavirus, and it is possible that the first wave is coming to an end,” Serhiy Komistarenko, a member of Ukrai... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Confirmed cases may have dropped because people with mild cases do not want to go through the bother and expense of being tested. Confirmed cases may have dropped because people with mild cases do not want to go through the bother and expense of being tested. In addition, over the last three months, 6% of Ukraine’s population fe... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
In face of falling infection numbers, business groups are pressuring the government to soften In face of falling infection numbers, business groups are pressuring the government to soften the lockdown that starts this Friday, the day after Orthodox Christmas, and runs through Sunday January 24... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
“There is a probability that we actually have fewer people now being infected with this coronavirus “There is a probability that we actually have fewer people now being infected with this coronavirus, and it is possible that the first wave is coming to an end,” Serhiy Komistarenko, a member of Ukrai... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Starting at 12:01 am on Friday, mandatory closures cover: Starting at 12:01 am on Friday, mandatory closures cover: all restaurants, bars, schools, gyms, swimming and non-food stores. Allowed will be: food stores, pharmacies, medical clinics, sales of hygien... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
In face of falling infection numbers, business groups are pressuring the government to soften In face of falling infection numbers, business groups are pressuring the government to soften the lockdown that starts this Friday, the day after Orthodox Christmas, and runs through Sunday January 24... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
To prepare for economic pain from the coming lockdown To prepare for economic pain from the coming lockdown, the government has distributed $130 million in grants to almost half a million small business owners and their employees, Prime Minister Shmygal ... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Starting at 12:01 am on Friday, mandatory closures cover: Starting at 12:01 am on Friday, mandatory closures cover: all restaurants, bars, schools, gyms, swimming and non-food stores. Allowed will be: food stores, pharmacies, medical clinics, sales of hygien... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The government is heeding Health Minister Stepanov’s call to stick with the Friday shutdown The government is heeding Health Minister Stepanov’s call to stick with the Friday shutdown. “Many people ask whether we plan to postpone or cancel the quarantine, as the number of cases has been fall... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
To prepare for economic pain from the coming lockdown To prepare for economic pain from the coming lockdown, the government has distributed $130 million in grants to almost half a million small business owners and their employees, Prime Minister Shmygal ... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Ukraine will only start to return to normal this spring Ukraine will only start to return to normal this spring, Viktor Lyashko, chief sanitary doctor, predicts in an interview with Ukraina 24 TV. “We will start out a step-by-step return to our usual rhyth... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
The government is heeding Health Minister Stepanov’s call to stick with the Friday shutdown The government is heeding Health Minister Stepanov’s call to stick with the Friday shutdown. “Many people ask whether we plan to postpone or cancel the quarantine, as the number of cases has been fall... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
In coming weeks, Ukraine hopes to receive almost 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, enough to vaccinate 10 million people, about one third of the adult population this year In coming weeks, Ukraine hopes to receive almost 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, enough to vaccinate 10 million people, about one third of the adult population this year. The Health Ministry... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Ukraine will only start to return to normal this spring Ukraine will only start to return to normal this spring, Viktor Lyashko, chief sanitary doctor, predicts in an interview with Ukraina 24 TV. “We will start out a step-by-step return to our usual rhyth... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
China’s Sinovac Biotech China’s Sinovac Biotech: Last week Ukraine’s Health Ministry of Health signed a $34 million ProZorro contract for delivery of 1.9 million doses. Health Minister Maksym Stepanov predicts the first vacc... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
In coming weeks, Ukraine hopes to receive almost 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, enough to vaccinate 10 million people, about one third of the adult population this year In coming weeks, Ukraine hopes to receive almost 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, enough to vaccinate 10 million people, about one third of the adult population this year. The Health Ministry... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
COVAX COVAX – President Zelenskiy wrote Thursday on Telegram: “We are working to increase supply through COVAX [from 8 million] to 16 million doses.” COVAX is a multinational collaboration organize to ensur... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
China’s Sinovac Biotech China’s Sinovac Biotech: Last week Ukraine’s Health Ministry of Health signed a $34 million ProZorro contract for delivery of 1.9 million doses. Health Minister Maksym Stepanov predicts the first vacc... #coronavirusUkraine #COVAX #covid19ukraine #lockdownukraine #newsukraine #polandvaccine #SinovacBiotech #todayinukraine #Ukrainenews #vaccine #vaccineforukriane
Tomasz Fiala, CEO of Dragon Capital, and Ivan Svitek, former Chairman of Alfa Bank Ukraine, have signed an agreement to buy Unex Bank from Vadim Novinsky’s Smart Holding Tomasz Fiala, CEO of Dragon Capital, and Ivan Svitek, former Chairman of Alfa Bank Ukraine, have signed an agreement to buy Unex Bank from Vadim Novinsky’s Smart Holding. “The Antimonopoly Commi... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
To prevent a strengthening of the hryvnia, the central bank bought a net $335.5 million on the interbank market in December. To prevent a strengthening of the hryvnia, the central bank bought a net $335.5 million on the interbank market in December. By contrast, during the whole year, the bank bought a net $1.1 billion, rep... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
Ukraine’s minimum wage increased Friday by $35, $212 per month Ukraine’s minimum wage increased Friday by $35, $212 per month. On Dec. 1, it increases to $230. With the minimum wage largely used to calculate pensions, Ukraine’s average monthly wage is $480. #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
Real wages were up 8% yoy in November Real wages were up 8% yoy in November, reports the State Statistics Service. Nationally, the average nominal wage was $404. In Kyiv, the wage was 54% higher — $622. Nationwide, the biggest regio... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
Despite the global economic recession, Ukraine’s trade deficit dropped in half last year Despite the global economic recession, Ukraine’s trade deficit dropped in half last year, from $10.22 billion to $4.9 billion in 2020, Taras Kachka, Ukraine’s Trade Representative, wrote on Facebook. ... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
Despite a poor harvest, exports of the top three grains – corn, wheat and barley – were down only 2.3% yoy in dollar terms Despite a poor harvest, exports of the top three grains – corn, wheat and barley – were down only 2.3% yoy in dollar terms, to $9.4 billion for 2020. “Due to the reduction in the harvest, physical exp... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
With new US sanctions on Nord Stream 2 made final by Friday’s vote in the US Senate With new US sanctions on Nord Stream 2 made final by Friday’s vote in the US Senate, the Norwegian company, Det Norske Veritas (DNV) GL announced Saturday that it will not be able to certify the $11.6... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
“ “Russia Pushes Ahead on Europe Gas Link Before U.S. Sanctions,” headlines a Bloomberg story posted Thursday, the day before the US Senate vote. With 150 km of the 1,230 km pipeline left to be laid, No... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
“US imposes new sanctions to kill off Putin’s pet pipeline,” “US imposes new sanctions to kill off Putin’s pet pipeline,” headlines an Atlantic Council piece by Diane Francis, posted Saturday. “It means almost certain doom for Putin’s most important energy proj... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions
Russia cut its volume of gas pumped across Ukraine by 38% in 2020 Russia cut its volume of gas pumped across Ukraine by 38% in 2020, compared to the previous year. Although Gazprom pumped 55.8 billion cubic meters through Ukraine’s east-west pipeline system, Russia’... #centralbankofukraine #DragonCapital #dragoncapitalbuysbank #nbu #nordstream2 #tradedeficit #ubn #Ukrainenews #ussanctions