The EC puts Orban and Fico in their place, affirming that Ukraine will make the decision regarding the resumption of gas transit independently. The authority over the use of Ukrainian pipelines for gas transit remains with Kyiv. “It is up to Ukraine to decide how it wants to manage its pipeline systems,” said EC spokesperson Anna-... #AnnaKaisaItkonen #EnergyIndependence #GasTransit #REPowerEU #RobertFico #UkrainianGTS #VictorOrban
The World Bank maintains Ukraine’s economic growth forecast for the current year and provides $109M in grant funding. The World Bank predicts the growth of the Ukrainian economy to be 3.2% in 2024, according to the bank’s June report, Global Economic Prospects 2024. In January, the forecast was identical. The b... #GrantsforUkraine #HOPEproject #REPowerEU #UkraineEconomicForecast #UkraineEconomy #worldbank
The EU does not plan on negotiating with Russia regarding gas transit through Ukraine, while Kyiv is open to some options. The European Commission does not plan to engage in any contact with Russia to continue the transit of Russian gas to European countries through Ukraine’s GTS. European Energy Commissioner Kadri ... #DenysShmyhal #GasTransit #KadriSimson #REPowerEU #RussianGas #UkraineGTS
The EIB allocates more than €20B for investments in various sectors of Europe, including Ukraine’s logistics capabilities. The European Investment Bank has agreed to provide €20.4B in new funding for investments in energy, transport, business, education, water, and regional development in Europe and worldwide. This includ... #EIB #investments #InvestmentsinUkraine #REPowerEU #RESinvestments #WindEnergy
Europe is reducing its dependence on China and building its solar panel factory. According to estimates by Holosolis, which will build the facility in France, it will be 70% larger than any currently available in Europe. The plant will start production in 2025 and its designed cap... #GreenENergy #Holosolis #REPowerEU #SolarEnergy