In three months, Land Bank auctions have already brought the state ₴343.7M in annual revenue. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is satisfied with the results demonstrated by the Land Bank, which launched in Ukraine on October 1 2024. In three months, 266 successful auctions were held, covering a... #agroUkraine #LandAuction #LandSalesUkraine #VitaliyKoval
Land auction participants have earned more than ₴1B. The price of land increased by more than 50% in 2024 in land auctions conducted using the state’s electronic trading system, Prozorro. Gross sales from these auctions total more than ₴1B since the beg... #FarmLandSale #investments #LandAuction #LandMarketUkraine #ProZorro
Since the war, the Ukrainian land market has held 740 land auctions. The Prozorro.Sales electronic auction platform has conducted 740 land auctions, raising more than UAH 174M ($4.7M). So far, 303 new land auctions with a total starting value of UAH 374M have been anno... #FarmLand #FarmLandUkraine #LandAuction #LandMarket
Ukraine has registered 105,000 land transactions since the land market opened in 2021. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reports that as of June 26, 105,173 agreements have been concluded within the agricultural land market, and the total area of land sold is 252,200... #FarmLand #LandAuction #UkraineFarmland
Since the beginning of the war, 643 land auctions have been completed. Since the imposition of martial law, the auction platform Prozorro.Sales held 643 auctions for the lease and sale of land for UAH 124M, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Since the launch of t... #AgroLand #LandAuction #LandForSale #LandMarket
The value of auctioned land in Prozorro reaches UAH 1.3B. As of February 22, 4,560 auctions for land lease and sale have been announced in the Prozorro.Sales system with a total value of UAH 1.3B ($45M). It is noted that 3,044 lease auctions have been announ... #LandAuction #LandLease #LandSale #UkraineLandMarket
The first electronic land auction to be held in Kyiv. The city authorities made this announcement. The head of the Kyiv Digital Transformation Administration, Petro Olenych, said that the Kyiv administration stated that it was possible to update the info... #agroUkraine #LandAuction #LandAuctioninUkraine