Since the war, the Ukrainian land market has held 740 land auctions.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Since the war, the Ukrainian land market has held 740 land auctions.

The Prozorro.Sales electronic auction platform has conducted 740 land auctions, raising more than UAH 174M ($4.7M). So far, 303 new land auctions with a total starting value of UAH 374M have been announced, of which 96 were lease auctions, 145 sale auctions, and 62 sales with priority rights. According to land market data, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the percentage of successful land transactions fell from 50% to 4-10%. As of July, the share of successful trades remains at 40%. The price increase of land plots at auction is, on average, 300-350%.

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