Ukraine has signed a memorandum to create a hydrogen supply corridor to the EU. The GTS Operator of Ukraine and several domestic and international organizations signed a memorandum to create and implement the Central European Hydrogen Corridor. The memorandum outlines joint effor... #Bucha #GreenHydrogen #HydrogenProduction #investments #Japan #UkraineGTS #UTEM
The EU seeks to speed up investment in the hydrogen market to achieve climate neutrality and independence from Russian energy sources. The European Commission announced the beginning of work on a pilot mechanism for developing the hydrogen market. Hydrogen will play an essential role in the EU’s transition to climate neutrality... #ClimateNeutrality #EnergyIndependence #GreenHydrogen #hydrogenEnergy #RussianFossilFuels
Britain will help a Ukrainian company build a plant to produce green hydrogen with a capacity of 8,000 tons per year with a €300-400M investment. The InnovateUkraine program, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain, will support the creation of eight GW of green hydrogen production capacity in Ukraine. Voden Ukrainy LLC (Hydr... #Grants #GreatBritain #GreenHydrogen #HydrogenProduction #Odesa #VodenUkrainy
Ukraine will build 10 GW of capacity to produce renewable hydrogen, which the EU urgently needs. Currently, hydrogen production in Ukraine is approximately 360,000 tons per year, used mainly to produce ammonia. Although this is only 0.5% of global demand, with technological development and invest... #energyukraine #GreenHydrogen #HydrogenProductionUkraine
The EU approves the hydrogen corridor project from Ukraine to EU countries. The EC included the hydrogen corridor from Ukraine in the list of joint and mutual interest projects for the European energy system. The European Parliament and the Council of the EU must consider the... #GreenEnergyUkraine #GreenHydrogen #HydrogenProduction
Ukraine to gain a new green hydrogen production project. According to the MCL Group, Ukraine is set to gain a new green hydrogen production project being developed that will enable the production of hydrogen directly on consumer sites. The logistical costs ... #GreenHydrogen #Hydrogen #hydrogenEnergy #HydrogenProject
Naftogaz and RWE agree to cooperate in the green hydrogen sphere. They have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop beneficial cooperation along the full value chain of green hydrogen and its derivatives like ammonia produced in Ukraine. According to Naftoga... #GreenHydrogen #Naftogazgreenhydrogen
Ukraine’s and Europe’s energy security were discussed on the sidelines of the Platform. After Washington designated its Secretary for Energy to head the US delegation to the Platform, Germany also sent its Minister for Energy, instead of its Minister for Foreign Affairs. They held a join... #EnergySecurity #EuandUkraineEnergy #GreenHydrogen