Russian oil still finds its way to Germany, while the country seeks to replace Russian gas with Ukrainian biomethane. Following the attack on Ukraine, EU oil operations with Russia were prohibited. However, according to Süddeutsche Zeitung, although Russian oil can no longer be imported into Germany, the country̵... #biomethaneproduction #gascrises #Rosneft #RosneftDeutschland #RussianGas #RussianOil
Ukraine rejects the possibility of negotiations with the Russian Federation regarding gas transit after 2024. Ukraine will not negotiate on the extension of the transit contract after its completion, said Energy Minister German Galushchenko. “The contract, which provides for the transit of gas from Russ... #gascrises #GasTransit #GermanGalushchenko #RussianGas #UkrainianGTS
The supply of Russian gas to Europe will fall to a record low. The reason is that Gazprom is halting supplies through the Turkish Stream pipeline for maintenance. According to the company, the planned annual gas pipeline maintenance will last from June 5 to 12. A... #gascrises #Gazprom #RussianGas #RussianGasTransit #TurkishStream
Ukraine offers its gas storage facilities to Europe. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, called on Europe to use Ukrainian gas storage facilities. According to the president, with Ukraine’s help, Europe will no longer have gas crises because ... #gascrises #gasstoragefacilities #UkrainianGas