In September, the second phase of the KYT industrial park will be launched in the Kyiv region. The second phase’s launch is located in Bucha (Kyiv region), where the production of building materials, metal-plastic doors, and windows is planned, and is scheduled for September 2025. Althoug... #Bucha #IndustrialPark #investments #KYT #novaposhta
Ukraine has signed a memorandum to create a hydrogen supply corridor to the EU. The GTS Operator of Ukraine and several domestic and international organizations signed a memorandum to create and implement the Central European Hydrogen Corridor. The memorandum outlines joint effor... #Bucha #GreenHydrogen #HydrogenProduction #investments #Japan #UkraineGTS #UTEM
Russia must be prosecuted for the war crimes in Ukraine, Finland’s prime minister says after visiting Bucha. Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin came to Kyiv to meet President Zelenskyy, and she also visited the cities of Irpin and Bucha, where Russia has committed war crimes. After hearing testimoni... #Bucha #RussiaWarCrimes #SannaMarin #SannaMarininKyiv
Russian occupiers mined many apartments in Bucha before they left the region. The Russian occupiers have mined many civilian apartments in Bucha, where they found Ukrainian symbols or soldier’s documents, said Minister Denis Monastyrsky. “According to international standards, ... #Bucha #BuchaKillings #BuchaMined #RussianTerror
Evidence shows that the Russian military committed crimes in Bucha. The Russian military has committed mass murder and crimes in the occupied territory of Ukraine, and all sources confirm this, stated NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. “We have seen brutal... #Bucha #BuchaKillings #BuchaTragedy
The Canadian Parliament has condemned Russia’s crimes in Bucha and called for increased support for Ukraine. The Canadian Parliament has passed a resolution condemning crimes against humanity and Russian war crimes in Bucha and calling for increased defense support for Ukraine. The Canadian Parliament also c... #Bucha #Canada #CanadiaParliament #UkraineandCanada
Western elites remain in denial. The reaction of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the offer to look at the atrocities of the Russians in Bucha shows that Western elites still maintain dangerous illusions, said an adviser to ... #Bucha #Merkel #Ukrainewar #Zelenskyy
The massacre in the town of Bucha by the Russian Army has shocked the world. Ukrainian forces moved into the city near Kyiv last Friday. They found what officials and witnesses said were the bodies of 300 civilians killed by Russian troops during a month-long occupation. Bodie... #Bucha #BuchaMassacre #RussianAgression #Ukrainewar