Here is the financial assistance Ukraine received last week from its allies:

Monday, December 4, 2023
Here is the financial assistance Ukraine received last week from its allies:

The UK will contribute £20M to the Trust Fund for the Support of the Reconstruction and Economy of Ukraine (SURE), launched by MIGA. This contribution will reduce project risks and attract much-needed private investment to Ukraine. MIGA can collectively insure $100M in new investment in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the German Credit Institution for Reconstruction (KfW) finalized a €50M grant with Ukraine to refinance the Affordable Credits 5-7-9% program. The funds will be used to offset the interest rate.

Norway will allocate NOK 250M (€21.2M) for Ukraine’s food security. €17M will go to the World Food Program (WFP), including the Grain from Ukraine program, and €4.2M will go to the Ukraine Fund of the World Bank. Norway will also transfer an additional €12.7M to the WFP. The money will provide food aid near the front line and also be used to demine agricultural lands.

In addition, Ukraine will receive $1.2B from the WB under the guarantee of the Japanese government. The funds will be used to finance social assistance.

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