US and German securities have entered circulation in Ukraine, and foreigners can buy Ukrainian bonds online.

As the Ministry of Finance clarified, “This became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministry of Finance, the National Securities Commission, the NBU, and the ICU financial group, which implements access to bonds on its online platform ICU Trade”.
From now on, non-residents, through remote registration with a broker, can buy and sell domestic government loan bonds, as Ukrainian citizens do now. There is no income tax from OVDP in Ukraine.
“This is a step forward in the development of the government bond market of Ukraine, and we expect the support of this initiative by other market participants,” commented Yuriy Butsa, the government commissioner for public debt management.
In addition, the National Securities Commission, for the first time of its own initiative, granted admission to 50 issues of debt securities issued by foreign countries. The total comprises 42 US securities and eight German securities.