Ukraine is facing one of the most difficult battles.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Ukraine is facing one of the most difficult battles.

According to President Zelenskyy, Ukraine is facing one of its most challenging battles, and whether it will survive depends on aid, including from the United States. “There will be more than one battle. We think this will be a new chapter of this war. We do not know how much equipment we might need; I think way more than we have now. We see the accumulation of Russian military equipment in the east and south of our state. We understand all the corridors the enemy will use, and we also understand what they will do. Our survival depends on how fast we receive weapons from the US and other allies. I have 100% confidence in our people and our armed forces. But, unfortunately, I do not have confidence we will receive what we need and have asked for, ” said Zelenskyy.

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