Ukraine has managed to reduce its public and private debts.

During the third quarter of 2022, Ukraine’s gross external debt decreased by $4.3B to $124.2B. Compared to the beginning of the year, the deficit has fallen by $5.5B. At the same time, according to the calculations from the National Bank of Ukraine, in relation to GDP, the debt increased to 73.91% from 67.7% at the end of the second quarter. The reduction in external debt occurred through the decrease of both private debt by $3.1B to $65.3B and public debt by $1.2B to $58.9B. During the third quarter, external liabilities of the general public administration sector decreased by $0.4B to $55B, which is 32.7% of GDP. The external debt of the central bank decreased by $0.8B in the 3rd quarter, mainly due to the repayment of the obligation to the IMF of $0.5B, and at the end of the third quarter amounted to $3.9B or 2.3% of GDP.