Ukraine and Poland plan to increase gas transportation.

GTSO of Ukraine and the Polish Gaz System presented a joint project to increase the guaranteed capacities for gas transportation from Poland to Ukraine, developed according to EU business rules.
In 2021, the country’s gas transmission system operators assessed market demand, which confirmed the interest of market participants in the capacity of 8.7 million cubic meters for gas transportation to Ukraine. Based on the results of that assessment, the operators developed a project to increase capacity. It provides for the construction of a gas pipeline and a gas measuring station on the part of Poland’s Gaz System and the reconstruction of the compressor station on the part of Ukraine’s GTS Operator.
The next stage is the booking at auction of the combined new, increased capacity that will be available from October 1, 2030, to September 30, 2045. The auctions will be held on July 3, 2023, on the GSA platform. Only after a positive result, will the GTSO be able to agree on the implementation of the project.