The US proposes a plan for Ukraine’s economic recovery.

During her last visit to Kyiv as the US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery, Penny Pritzker evaluated the concept of Ukraine’s economic recovery and announced five components of its successful implementation.
According to her, first, it is necessary to form a list of projects that are ready for implementation, of which there should be hundreds, if not thousands.
Second, it is essential to ensure support for interagency planning: Western technical experts can work together with Ukrainians to coordinate the actions of the entire government and support the development of a single priority project.
Third, it is necessary to accelerate reforms “to create a foundation for investment, a prosperous economy, accession to the EU and membership in NATO.”
Fourth, it is necessary to force the world to provide more capital, in addition to the $50B in frozen Russian assets, and revitalize the insurance, reinsurance, stock, and banking markets.
Fifth, it is necessary to entice veterans and refugees to return home, teach them the skills required to rebuild Ukraine and reenter them into the labor market.