The SPFU plans to hold 38 privatization auctions in June totaling UAH 165M.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) is looking for private investors for items including the Belgorod-Dniester port, the Vinnytsia cartographic factory, a complex of non-residential buildings in a residential area near Kyiv, a wood processing workshop in the Volyn region, and veterinary medicine facilities in the Rivne region.
The port has the highest starting price of UAH 92.5M ($2.5M). The State Property Fund notes that the winning price of each lot can increase several times from the initial bid. Since the resumption of small privatization, the average winning price has almost tripled compared to the starting price. Due to this, the fund attracted more than UAH 2.6B in revenue to the state budget. In the first three working days of June, 10 auctions brought in about UAH 7.8M.