The farmer loan portfolio has grown by over 50%.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
As of the beginning of May 2022, the share of loans granted by banks to companies related to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries was 13.2% of the total number of loans, reported Opendatabot. In total, the loan portfolio of the agricultural sector amounted to UAH 99.1B ($3.3B). Most of the loans, 75%, were distributed in the national currency (UAH 74.3B). Despite the war, from January to April 2022, lending to agricultural companies increased by 20% or by UAH 16.5B. In general, banking loan portfolios in the farm sector have grown by 52.4% over the year. This amounts to UAH 34B ($1.1B). Most agricultural companies apply for short-term loans for use during the sowing campaigns.