Privatization continues to replenish Ukraine’s coffers; a household chemicals plant in Vinnytsia is the next item up for sale. During the week of March 3 to 7, the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) conducted 16 successful online privatization auctions totaling ₴61.33M. The most expensive item was a complex of premises cov... #AuctionUkraine #investments #MotordetalKonotop #PrivatizationUkraine #SPFU #Vinnytsiapobuthim
What new investment opportunities are arising within the framework of privatization? The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) is preparing to privatize the Vinnytsiapobuthim enterprise, which manufactures goods under the trademarks Vukhastyk, Sarma, and Lotos, said Ivanna Smachylo, t... #investments #KraytexService #PrivatizationUkraine #SPFU #Vinnytsiapobuthim
Privatization of profitable enterprises in Ukraine is low-hanging fruit, but not for foreign investors. A chemical factory seized from a Russian oligarch will be put up for auction this year. PJSC Vinnytsiapobuthim, a well-known manufacturer of household chemicals and cosmetics, has been transferred to the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) for future sale at auction. This was reported... #KraytexService #privatization #SPFU #Vinnytsia #Vinnytsiapobuthim