Vaccinations are scheduled to start Monday, drawing on an expected shipment of 117,000 Pfizer vaccines. President Zelenskiy talked on the phone Monday afternoon with Albert Bourla, Vaccinations are scheduled to start Monday, drawing on an expected shipment of 117,000 Pfizer vaccines. President Zelenskiy talked on the phone Monday afternoon with Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer Pharm... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
All Ukrainians should have access to vaccines by the end of this year, All Ukrainians should have access to vaccines by the end of this year, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov told ICTV’s Freedom of Speech program. He vowed: “We want to ensure that 100% of the population h... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Ukraine’s turn last month to Britain’s Crown Agents to buy coronavirus vaccines illustrates the difficulty in breaking ingrained traditions of drug profiteering at the Health Ministry Ukraine’s turn last month to Britain’s Crown Agents to buy coronavirus vaccines illustrates the difficulty in breaking ingrained traditions of drug profiteering at the Health Ministry, Pavlo Kovtoniuk... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
The vaccination of 10 million Ukrainians at risk – about one third of all adults – is a condition for Ukraine receiving The vaccination of 10 million Ukrainians at risk – about one third of all adults – is a condition for Ukraine receiving a $30 million World Bank loan this spring under its Covid-19 Emergency Response ... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
US support to Ukraine for combatting the pandemic totals $48 million over the last year US support to Ukraine for combatting the pandemic totals $48 million over the last year, Kristina A. Kvien, US Chargé d’Affaires, told the Coronavirus Forum on Monday. She said the money has gone to b... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Germany is proving Ukraine with a €13.1 million medical care grant that includes supplying equipment for outpatient diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus Germany is proving Ukraine with a €13.1 million medical care grant that includes supplying equipment for outpatient diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus. This grant, and a second one for €23.5 milli... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Talks with IMF will be delayed to the spring, making a staff level agreement in May the optimistic scenario Talks with IMF will be delayed to the spring, making a staff level agreement in May the optimistic scenario, reported in a lengthy story, citing unnamed Rada members and Central Bank official... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Dragon writes Dragon writes: “The government has sufficient liquidity buffers to proceed without IMF financing until end-May (assuming full rollover of domestic debt), but faces an increase in fiscal funding needs ... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
The Finance Ministry increased 2.5-fold its sale of bonds yesterday The Finance Ministry increased 2.5-fold its sale of bonds yesterday, but kept yields largely unchanged at the weekly auction, according to results posted on Facebook. Of the total $467 million in doll... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
With snow and sub-freezing temperatures forecast through Friday, restrictions on trucks entering Kyiv are expected to continue off and on. With snow and sub-freezing temperatures forecast through Friday, restrictions on trucks entering Kyiv are expected to continue off and on. At a peak, 3,000 trucks were stopped outside the capital, wit... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Due to the cold temperatures, coal reserves at thermal power plants fell sharply during the first week in February, hitting 57% of minimum, required volumes Due to the cold temperatures, coal reserves at thermal power plants fell sharply during the first week in February, hitting 57% of minimum, required volumes, Ukrenergo reported yesterday. To fill the ... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
DTEK Energy has announced a tentative agreement with bond and bank debt holders to restructure much of its $2 billion bond and bank debt DTEK Energy has announced a tentative agreement with bond and bank debt holders to restructure much of its $2 billion bond and bank debt. After 10 months of negotiations, the deal’s center piece is ex... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Analysts generally welcomed the proposed exit from a default that rattled investors last March: Analysts generally welcomed the proposed exit from a default that rattled investors last March: #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Ukraine’s economic activity in the fourth quarter of last year was only down 1% yoy, far better than the forecast drop of 3% Ukraine’s economic activity in the fourth quarter of last year was only down 1% yoy, far better than the forecast drop of 3%, Economy Minister Ihor Petrashko told reporters Tuesday at the Ukraine 30 C... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Adamant Capital wrote: “The updated terms look significantly better than those disclosed at the end of November…We confirm our ‘Buy’ recommendation.” #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Ukraine’s steel production could increase by as much as 6% this year, to 21.8 million tons, Ukraine’s steel production could increase by as much as 6% this year, to 21.8 million tons, according to a study prepared by the GMK Center, a metals industry analytical and consulting group: “Forecas... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Concorde Capital wrote Concorde Capital wrote: “The updated DTEK’s offer provides more clarity about minimum payments to bondholders…the updated restructuring terms look balanced.” #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Ukraine’s full bore coronavirus vaccination campaign may be delayed from March to April Ukraine’s full bore coronavirus vaccination campaign may be delayed from March to April because of government paper work delays in China and Ukraine, reports Reuters. Last week, Ukraine’s Lekhim asked... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed
Dragon Capital wrote Dragon Capital wrote: “The updated restructuring terms mark a significant improvement over the previous version…The new proposed DTEK Energy bond structure is also simpler than the previous variant an... #Bondssale #Covidfinancialaid #DTEK #DTEKEnergy #economyofukraine #GDPinUkraine #newsukraine #Steelproduction #ukrainebonds #Vaccinationpostponed