The Ministry of Finance is inclined to reform Ukraine’s simplified taxation system following the Polish model. According to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Svitlana Vorobey, “We took the Polish taxation system of small and medium-sized businesses as a basis. Poland has a differentiated system, with rates rangi... #ReformsinUkraine #SvitlanaVorobey #UkraineTaxation #UkraineTaxSystem
Taxes, customs, finance, and budget: the Ministry of Finance implemented 46% of all EU legal acts in Ukraine. The Ministry of Finance fully implemented 742 acts, 46% of the total number of acts of EU law implemented by Ukraine, preparing for negotiations to join the EU. The Ministry of Finance is responsible ... #EKrecommendation #EuropeanIntegration #ReformsinUkraine #UkraineCustoms #UkraineTaxSystem
The business community names the key obstacles to its development and investment in Ukraine. According to the EBA, compared to last year, the number of those considering tax legislation to be of high quality decreased from 26% to the current 9%. According to the interviewees, constant changes... #TaxesinUkraine #UkraineEconomy #UkraineTaxSystem #бізнесвУкраїні
Ukraine is technically ready for the first international exchange of tax information. As reported by the Ministry of Finance, the development of software for the State Tax Service of Ukraine (DPS) has been completed, which will provide an international automatic exchange of information... #CRS #InformationExchange #UkraineTaxSystem
The parliament talks about future tax changes in Ukraine. As part of their work on the National Revenue Strategy up to 2030, the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy is preparing proposals for changes in five priority areas of taxation, said the head... #DanyloHetmantsev #TaxesinUkraine #UkraineTaxSystem
The IMF criticizes Ukraine’s simplified taxation system. The comments relate to certain aspects of the simplified taxation system based on the single tax in Ukraine. It creates opportunities for arbitrage between tax groups and lower taxes instead of the ge... #EFFprogram #imf #TaxesinUkraine #UkraineTaxSystem
Ukraine plans to reform its tax system. After the war, Ukraine plans to modify the tax system to make it more competitive and focused on stimulating recovery. In this context, negotiations with the IMF and other international partners are o... #RostyslavShurma #taxreform #UkraineTaxSystem