Ukraine refuses to import gas and is preparing for zero transit. As a memorandum with the IMF states, “Limited domestic consumption and growing domestic production limited the need for gas imports during the last heating season. For the next heating season of... #energyukraine #GasstorageUkraine #GasTransit #GasUkraine #imf #Naftogaz #UkraineGasimport #UkrainianGTS
Ukraine and Poland plan to increase gas transportation. GTSO of Ukraine and the Polish Gaz System presented a joint project to increase the guaranteed capacities for gas transportation from Poland to Ukraine, developed according to EU business rules. In 20... #GasTransit #PolishGazSystem #UkraineGasimport #UkraineGTS
Moldova will allow Ukraine to import gas from the LNG terminals in Greece and Turkey. The Government of Moldova has approved a decision on the necessary legislative changes, which opens the possibility for all companies to use the backhaul service (virtual reverse) at the connection po... #LNGterminals #UkraineGasimport #UkraineGTS
Ukraine and Slovakia extended the agreement on increased gas import capacities. The GTS Operator of Ukraine and the Slovak operator Eustream a.s. agreed on the extension of the increased guaranteed capacity of 42 million cubic meters of gas at the Budintse point until March 31, 2... #GasStorageinUkraine #UkraineGasimport #UkraineGTS
Ukraine has doubled its gas intake from the EU. Ukraine’s gas transportation system continues to increase its natural gas intake from Europe with further pumping into its underground storage facilities, as countries take advantage of lower ga... #SerhiyPereloma #UkraineGasimport #UkraineGTS #Ukrtransgaz
In 2022, Ukraine has imported almost 500 million cubic meters of gas. According to the head of the GTS of Ukraine, Serhiy Makogon, the daily gas import is about 9 million cubic meters, where 49% of the total imports come from Hungary, 29% from Slovakia, and 22% from Pol... #GasImport #UkraineGasimport
Ukraine reduced gas imports by 77% in October reported GTSOU. In comparison to September 2021, gas imports to Ukraine in October decreased by 77% or 510 mln cubic meters. After the physical gas transit to Hungary was halted, imports from this cou... #UkraineGasimport #UkraineGassupply
Ukraine’s gas imports amounted to 22.3 mcm per day as of September 1st, the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEEX) reports. Imports from the European direction came mainly from Hungary. The volume of domestic production came to an average of 54.46 million cubic meters of natura... #GasfromHungary #GasUkraine #UkraineGasimport