Despite the war, Kyiv International Airport seeks to attract potential investors. What conditions are considered? According to Volodymyr Kudak, the general manager of Master-Avia, the Kyiv Airport’s operating company, “We are trying to attract potential investors to develop the airport and grow its potentia... #investments #InvestmentsinUkraine #KyivAirport #MasterAvia #Ukraineairspace #UkraineReconstruction
The State Aviation Service provides details on the opening of Ukrainian airspace. Ukrainian airport infrastructure is ready to support reopening the country’s airspace. Still, this requires confirmation from the Ukrainian military that it can ensure safety for a single airport, and... #AirTrafficUkraine #AirTransportation #BohdanDolintse #CivilAviationUkraine #Ukraineairspace
The number of flights through Ukraine’s airspace in March was down 43% yoy, to 12,160, reported UkSATSE, the air traffic control agency. This is an improvement over the 58% drop registered in 2020 and the 56% drop registered in February. Looking ahead to summer travel to the ... #FlightsthroughUkraine #Ukraineairspace