Moscow is trying to create a joint project with Azerbaijan to prevent the loss of the EU market. The idea is that Azerbaijan, which needs more gas to supply to the EU, will receive gas from Russia to sell to the EU. “Of course, the Russians will not give their contracts to SOCAR, but acting... #GazpromSocar #RussianGas #RussianGasforEU
Gazprom has returned to transporting contract volumes of gas, announced Gas transportation system of Ukraine (OGTSU). Gazprom has not booked additional transit volumes through Ukraine, and now the company has simply returned to contracted transportation of 109 m... #GasValumeFromRussia #Gazprom #RussianGasforEU #UkraineGTS
The price of natural gas has fallen to $800 due to an increase in transit of the resource from Russia. Despite the ongoing deficit in Europe, Gazprom has not reserved any additional capacity and is using that which is already booked. This has resulted in Russian gas supplies to Europe remaining much lo... #GasPricesEU #RussianGasforEU #RussianGassupplies #Ukrainegastransit
Ukraine is ready to pump an additional 55 billion cubic meters of gas to the EU in excess of the 40 billion cubic meters that Gazprom must pump under the transit contract. Ukraine may also assist Moldova’s gas supply, said Oleksiy Danilov, of the National Security and Defense Cou... #AdditonalGasforEU #GasforEU #RussianGasforEU #Ukrainegastransit
Despite high gas prices, Ukraine does not plan the start negotiations with Russia on the issue of gas supply said Denys Shmygal, the Prime Minister of Ukraine. He said, “This crisis is not Ukrainian, this is the European crisis as well. Most likely it will impact the whole world”. ( #GasViaUkraine #RussianGas #RussianGasforEU #UkraineandRussia
Nord Stream 2 gas will not help us this winter, said Laus-Dieter Maubach, head of Uniper, one of Gazprom’s European partners in the project. According to recent reports in Bloomberg, Maubach believes the pipeline’s certification will be... #GasTransit #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification #RussianGasforEU
Ukraine wants all-natural gas pipelines to receive equal treatment which will allow traders to ship Russian gas to markets in the European Union said CEO Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko. Speaking at a meeting with Andreas Feicht, ahead of Germany’s process to certify the Rus... #GasforEU #GasPipelinesTreatment #RussianGasforEU #UkraineandRussia
In July, Gazprom cut its pipeline deliveries to the EU by 10.3 billion cubic meters due to scheduled shutdowns of the Nord Stream 1 and Yamal pipelines for planned maintenance. Rather than make up for this shortfall by sending more gas across Ukraine, Gazprom chose to draw down its G... #GasFromRussia #GasShortageinEU #GasSupplytoEU #RussianGasforEU
Tightening the natural gas shortage in the EU, Gazprom has cut by 50% gas shipments through the Yamal pipeline to Poland and stopped pumping gas into underground storage facilities in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands . With EU storage at only 57.5% of normal mid-summer levels, unfulfilled demand for gas is 16 billion cubic meters, Interfax reports from Moscow, citing data of the Gas Infrastructure Europe portal. #NaturalGasShortage #RussiaCutGasDelivery #RUssianDictatesGasPrices #RussianGasforEU #RussiaSabotagesEU
Ukraine’s gas pipeline operator earned $1 billion in the first half of this year, largely by pumping Russian gas to Europe. Profits were $208 million, reports the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine. Profits were recorded despite $371 million in unpaid debts by domestic gas distributors. About 80% of this debt is o... #RussianGasforEU #RussianGasThroughUkraine #UkrainePumpingRussianGas
Russia’s gas exports to the EU during the first half of this year were the same as January-June 2020 – 67 billion cubic meters. But over the same time, Gazprom’s exports to China, Finland and Turkey have tripled – to 33 bcm, reports Ukrinform, citing data from the Gas Transmission System Operator of ... #GasexporttoEU #RussiaGasExport #RussianGasforEU
In a setback for Russia’s gas pipelines to Germany, Europe’s top court yesterday ruled that Gazprom must cut in half its gas volumes through Nord Stream 1 to German’s OPAL pipeline. The pipeline which runs from the Baltic to the German-Czech border, Reuters reports from Brussels. Under the EU’s Third Energy Package, the other half of Nord Stream 1 must be allocated to other shipp... #Germany #NordStream #RussianGasforEU #RussianGasPipeline
Gazprom did not book extra capacities offered yesterday by Ukraine and Poland to ship Russian gas to the EU during the next ‘gas year’, which starts on October 1, 2021 . By declining to book for more gas, Russia’s monopoly gas exporter may be betting that high prices will pressure EU authorities to commission Nord Stream 2 this fall. #RussiaManipulateswithGas #RussianGasforEU #RussianGassupplies #RussiapressuresEuropewithGassupplies
Starting from October 1st, Russian gas will flow to Hungary via Turkey and Serbia, bypassing Ukraine. On Sunday, Serbian company Srbijagas and Hungarian FGSZ connected sections of the TurkStream pipeline. The pipeline starts in Russia and crosses the Black Sea. For $65 million, FGSZ is building a 15 k... #gasbypassesUkraine #RussianGasbypassesUkraine #RussianGasforEU
With Europe facing a 25% cut in pipeline gas from Russia in July, Gazprom yesterday refused Ukraine’s offer to ship 50% more Russian gas to the EU in July . Two Russian pipelines – Nord Stream 1 and Yamal-Europe – are to undergo maintenance in July, reducing flows from Russia by 2.2 billion cubic meters. With these scheduled shutdowns in mind, Ukraine’s... #RussianGasforEU #RussianGasPrices2021 #RussiaRasingGasPrices
News that Gazprom spurned Ukraine’s offer pushed Europe gas prices yesterday over $400/1,000 cubic meters, the highest level in over a decade. Facing high prices, Ukraine is delaying filling its storage reservoirs for this winter. Ukraine has 16 billion cubic meters in storage, 18% below the level of this time last year, Naftogaz reports. In... #RussiaManipulatesgasPrices #RussianGasforEU #RussianGasThroughUkraine
EU imports of Russian gas will increase by 25% — 50 billion cubic meters a year — in late 2020s, Putin said, offering a forecast not shared by many analysts . Referring to Ukraine’s pipeline system, he said: “We now pay them $1.5 billion a year for gas transit. They might have been paid three, four, even five billion but they have wrecked everything with ... #EUimportsgasfromRussia #NordStream2StartsOperationinAugust #RussianGasforEU