Concorde Capital’s Evgeniya Akhtyrko writes Concorde Capital’s Evgeniya Akhtyrko writes: “Retail sales in Ukraine are surging, backed by fast growth of wages. The strong household consumption is helping the economy to offset the fall in investm... #buildingroads #glovoukraine #mayorofRivne #retail2020ukraine #retailsales #retailUkraine #rivne #rivnemayor #ukravtodor
During the first half of this year During the first half of this year, more than 300 new grocery supermarkets opened in Ukraine, a record figure for the last decade, reports NAI Ukraine, the commercial real estate consulting company. I... #buildingroads #glovoukraine #mayorofRivne #retail2020ukraine #retailsales #retailUkraine #rivne #rivnemayor #ukravtodor