Ukraine unveils the Land Bank project, allowing farmers to lease state lands through auctions. The State Property Fund (SPFU) presented its Land Bank project, which allows farmers to lease state land transparently and competitively through Prozorro.Sales online auctions. The starting price for ... #AgroLandRental #agroUkraine #LandMarket #ProZorro #SPFU #UkraineLandBank
What happened in Ukraine’s land market in April? Analysts from the KSE Agrocenter notes that Ukraine’s agricultural land market continued to grow in April 2024. Purchase and sale agreement volumes were the largest since the beginning of the full-sca... #AgrolandPrices #agroUkraine #FarmLandReform #FarmLandSale #LandMarket #UkraineLand
Despite the war, the real estate market is recovering, growing by 70%. In 2023, Ukrainians bought 404,000 real estate properties, which is 70% more than a year earlier. However, this is still significantly less than before the full-scale war (631,000). Until 2021, when t... #HousingsalesUkraine #LandMarket #LandSalesUkraine #RealEstateUkraine
Since the war, the Ukrainian land market has held 740 land auctions. The Prozorro.Sales electronic auction platform has conducted 740 land auctions, raising more than UAH 174M ($4.7M). So far, 303 new land auctions with a total starting value of UAH 374M have been anno... #FarmLand #FarmLandUkraine #LandAuction #LandMarket
Since the beginning of the war, 643 land auctions have been completed. Since the imposition of martial law, the auction platform Prozorro.Sales held 643 auctions for the lease and sale of land for UAH 124M, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Since the launch of t... #AgroLand #LandAuction #LandForSale #LandMarket
The Ukraine land market is open during the war and is holding land auctions. More than 5,000 online land sales and lease auctions have been announced in the Prozorro.sales system. The total value of all lots is UAH 1.4B ($43M). Of the 5,000 auctions announced, almost 1,800 ar... #LandMarket #ProZorro #UkraineFarmland #UkraineLand
Ukrainian notaries have registered 29,500 land transactions. As of October 13, 2021, 29,493 agreements were concluded within the land market (Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine). “In total, there were 5,759 applications, of which 5,094 were approve... #LandforSaleinUkraine #LandMarket #LandMarketUkraine #LandPurchaseTransactions