Astarta will build a new $76M oilseed plant in the Khmelnytskyi region. The Board of Directors of Astarta Holding has approved a decision to commence a new investment project – the construction of an oilseed processing facility, particularly soybeans and rapeseed, in the ... #AgroholdingAstarta #agroUkraine #Astarta #investments #Khmelnitsky #OilSeedPlant #ProcessingPlantUkraine
A new industrial park with a ₴2.4B total investment will be built in the Khmelnytskyi region. The Cabinet of Ministers has entered into the register a new industrial park, Teofipol Eco Park, in the Khmelnytskyi region, creating more than 1,550 jobs on 30.8 hectares. The total volume of capital... #AlterraGroup #Formatsia #IndustrialPark #investments #Khmelnitsky #TeofipolEcoPark
A Ukrainian company is investing ₴1B in the launch of a powerful meat processing hub in the Khmelnytskyi region. The Vitagro group of companies, with assets in the agricultural, energy, processing, construction, and chemical industries, said that investors will create enterprises for pork and chicken processing,... #FoodProcessing #FutureIndustryHub #investments #Khmelnitsky #MeatProcessingPlant #VitagroGroup
A logistics center is for sale in the Khmelnytskyi region for ₴94M; this year, Ukraine plans to receive more than ₴4B from privatization. On January 19, the state plans to sell a complete property complex with an area of 4,329 square meters at an online auction. The logistics center is in the Khmelnytskyi region on a plot of land with a... #DanyloHetmantsev #Khmelnitsky #LogisticCenter #PrivatizationUkraine
Khmelnytskyi spends €35M to resume the reconstruction of a landfill and the construction of a waste processing complex. Currently, tender procedures are being conducted in both directions, said Deputy Mayor of Khmelnytskyi Mykola Vavryshchuk. “We have three participants: a Polish, a Greek-Turkish, and an American... #Khmelnitsky #WasteProcessingPlant #WasteRecycling
Unit Capital Management fund will issue shares for UAH 492.5 M. Venture capital investment fund ” UFuture Venture ” owned by Vasyl Khmelnytsky and the High-Tech Park investment fund owned by Igor Kryvetsky registered shares with the National Securities... #Khmelnitsky #Ufuture #UfutureUkraine