The world’s debt has already exceeded $315T and continues to grow. According to the Institute of International Finance (IIF), global debt reached $315T in the first quarter of 2024, almost three times more than the expected global GDP of $109T in 2024. The world has ... #BankLoans #GlobalEconomy #GlobalGDP #WorldDebt
Global trade in goods will grow by 2.6% this year and by 3.3% in 2025, the World Trade Organization predicts. Last year, global merchandise turnover decreased by 1.2%. In terms of value, the export of goods fell by 5% to $24.01 trillion. Import volumes decreased in most ... #GlobalEconomy #GlobalGDP #GlobalTrade #TradeTurnover #WTO
Analysts have calculated the losses for the world’s economies from the war. Russia’s war against Ukraine has led to gigantic economic losses not only in Ukraine, but also in third countries. In Ukraine alone, GDP losses will amount to about $120B by 2026, according to a... #GDPinUkraine #GlobalEconomy #GlobalGDP #MoritzSchularik #UkraineEconomyLosses #WarinUkraine
Due to geopolitical fragmentation, global GDP is likely to decrease by 1% in 5 years. One of the main reasons is tensions between the US and China, which could harm the world economy. Foreign direct investments and capital are increasingly being directed to the united blocks of countri... #GeopoliticalFragmentation #GlobalGDP #worldeconomy
World Bank: The global economy is at risk of a “lost decade”. Between 2022 and 2030, the potential average global GDP growth will slow to 2.2%, below the zero-year rate, the bank said. For developing countries, the decline will be just as steep, from 6% in 2000-... #GlobalEconomy #GlobalGDP #worldbank