Gas procurement, renewable energy, and electricity market integration: EU to assist Ukraine in rebuilding its energy system. The European Commission has proposed a new assistance package to expedite the integration of Ukraine’s energy market with its European counterpart, aiming for the electricity market’s full integ... #EnergyInvestments #energyukraine #EuropeanCommission #GasReservesUkraine #RenewableEnergyUkraine
Why have Ukrainian gas reserves fallen to a record low? According to an analysis by DiXi Group, Ukraine has not yet fully transitioned to self-sufficient gas supply through domestic production. “Due to the full-scale war, demand for blue fuel decreas... #EnergyIndependence #energyukraine #GasMiningUkraine #GasReservesUkraine #GasstorageUkraine
Naftogaz Ukraine has enough funds to purchase gas for the country’s needs. The government of Ukraine transferred UAH 12.7B to Naftogaz to purchase gas to provision Ukrainian gas storage facilities. Ukraine had received these funds from the Canadian government. “At todayR... #DenysShmyhal #GasReservesUkraine #HeatingSeasonUkraine #Naftogaz
The US will give Ukraine two billion cubic meters of gas. By the beginning of October, gas reserves in Ukraine’s storage facilities will reach 15.5 billion cubic meters. In addition, there are agreements with the US to receive two billion cubic meters ... #GasReservesUkraine #HeatingSeason #USgas
Gas reserves in underground storage facilities are 18.1 billion cubic meters as of November 3 , reported by Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities (UGS). Approximately 800 million cubic meters have been used since the beginning of October, reported Naftogaz (ukrinform). #energyukraine #GasReservesUkraine #ukrainegas #Ukrainegasstorage