In Ukraine, economic activity in the coal and metallurgical industries slowed down. As reported by the NBU, in December 2024 a slowdown in economic activity was observed in several sectors, primarily the coal and metallurgical industries. At the same time, investments in gas and oil ... #CoalUkraine #DanubeShipping #MetallurgyUkraine #nbu #UkraineEconomicActivity #UkraineEconomy
Ukraine is building 12 terminals on the Danube to increase port capacity. However, the Ukrainian Danube’s development depends on Romania’s position regarding dredging works, said Serhiy Vovk, director of the Center for Transport Strategies. In addition, accordin... #agroexportukraine #DanubePorts #DanubeShipping #SerhiyVovk #UkraineExport
The development of the Danube River estuary will increase agricultural product exports by a million tons monthly. To find new avenues that will allow for increases in the export of Ukrainian agricultural products, Ukraine will have to develop the Bystre estuary, the Ukrainian canal to the Black Sea, to increase e... #BystreEstuary #DanubePorts #DanubeShipping #SulinaCanal #YuriyVaskov.
The IFC seeks to develop the Ukrainian Danube River infrastructure. Negotiations between Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company (UDP) management and representatives from the IFC regarding joint investment projects are ongoing, said Dmytro Moskalenko, UDP General Director. ... #DanubeShipping #DmytroMoskalenko #ifc
Danube shipping will transport products from Europe’s largest metal producer. Ukrainian Danube Shipping (UDS) won the HBIS Serbia tender for transporting more than 500,000 tons of the company’s metallurgical products, the company reported. The contract will provide the UD... #DanubeShipping #HBISserbia #MetallurgicalProduction
Ukraine is launching the Danube grain route. The Danube grain route project is launched after Russia’s exit from the Grain Agreement, said Dmytro Moskalenko, General Director of Ukrainian Danube Shipping. In view of the prediction that the... #DanubeGrainRoute #DanubeShipping #DmytroMoskalenko #Ukrainiangrainexport
The Danube Shipping Company starts transporting grain to Bulgaria and Romania. The Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company held 12 auctions to transport grain cargo by its own fleet from the ports of Reni and Izmail, reported auction platform Prozorro.Sales. According to the results o... #Bulgaria #DanubeRiver #DanubeShipping #Romania