Vitagro seeks €110M to increase its biomethane production capacity, and OKKO will build a biofuel plant with EBRD funds. According to Vitagro, by 2030 35 million cubic meters of biomethane will be consumed in the EU. That is why the company invested €6M in a biomethane plant and plans to make additional investments with... #BiofuelPlant #biomethaneproduction #ebrd #investments #okko #VitagroGroup
Ukraine plans to develop a transparent biofuel market. According to the head of the State Energy Efficiency Agency, Hanna Zamazeyeva, creating a biofuel trade exchange with the Ukrainian Energy Exchange will be essential for developing the industry and en... #BiofuelPlant #biomethaneproduction #energyukraine #HannaZamazeyeva
Naftogaz decides not to build a CHP biofuel plant in Lviv. State company Naftogaz of Ukraine refused to implement the construction of the first biofuel CHP plant in Lviv worth UAH 1B ($27.5M) that had been initiated by the ex-head of the company, Yuriy Vitren... #AndriySadovyi #BiofuelPlant #energyukraine #Naftogaz