Small and medium-sized businesses are recovering in Ukraine: 52% of enterprises are operating fully.

As of the third quarter, another 41% of entrepreneurs are working with restrictions, and only 7% are not working, according to an EBA survey. Small businesses are also gradually restoring and increasing their financial reserves. Those with a year or more of reserves increased from 12% to 22%, while those with no reserves at all decreased from 32% to 28%. At the same time, 20% have financial reserves for half a year and 23% have enough for several months.
Over the past three months, the number of companies that are paying full salaries has decreased, from 62 to 56%. At the same time, the number of those who cut salaries increased from 16% to 24%.
In addition, 31% report that their business has suffered losses from the war: 44% estimate the losses to be up to $50,000, 13% – in the range of $50,000 – $100,000, and 24% – more than $100,000. Also, 43% of respondents plan to invest new funds in business development, 21% do not plan any investment, and 36% could not answer.