Since the war began, 15% of Ukrainians have been unemployed, according to survey data from the Razumkov Center.

Friday, July 21, 2023
Since the war began, 15% of Ukrainians have been unemployed, according to survey data from the Razumkov Center.

The study shows that 77% of currently unemployed Ukrainians were not working before the war, and another 5% retired after it began. 10.4% of the currently unemployed lost their jobs after February 24, 2022, and another 4.2% resigned voluntarily.

The main reasons for job loss are related to the closure of enterprises (29.5%) and forced migration (12.9%) from the area where they had worked. Another 8.7% temporarily went abroad and lost their jobs during that time. A little more than 4%, on the contrary, did not agree to a relocation and lost their jobs due to the relocation of an enterprise to another region.

For almost 10% of respondents, the reason for job loss was family circumstances that changed with the start of the war. Also, 7.5% of respondents cited low wages or non-payment as the reason for dismissal.

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