Since the beginning of the war, 643 land auctions have been completed.
Thursday, June 9, 2022

Since the imposition of martial law, the auction platform Prozorro.Sales held 643 auctions for the lease and sale of land for UAH 124M, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. Since the launch of the land market in Prozorro Sales, the system has announced 5,232 auctions, which include land for rent and sale. The total area of all land lots reaches 27,600 hectares, and their value is UAH 1.53B. During the auction, the price for the offered land increased by 204%, and the average number of bidders was between 3 and 4. At the same time, 3,320 auctions for land leases in the system were announced for almost 24,000 hectares. The total value of those lots is UAH 123M.