More than a third of Ukrainian refugees do not plan to return home.

In particular, 23% have not decided whether to return to Ukraine, and 13% know that they will not return, according to a Youkraina study. However, 64% of respondents plan to return, but only 2% have tickets for a specific date. Another 10% know the approximate return date, and 52% do not know when they will return.
Among the decisive factors for returning home, 62% identify the security situation, 18% have economic and social prospects in Ukraine, and 11% have difficulties in life abroad. Currently, the security situation is what prevents 81% of refuges from returning home, 82% of Ukrainians are prevented by the decline of the economy, lack of prospects 75%, anxiety and fear 69%, successful integration abroad 65%, negative attitude of compatriots 51%, there is nowhere to turn 39%, and threat of mobilization 33%.
The president of the All-Ukrainian Association of International Employment Companies, Vasyl Voskoboynyk, believes that it is not the financial, but the political, factor that will stimulate Ukrainians to return. At the same time, to ensure economic growth at 7-9%, Ukraine needs to attract 4.5 million additional workers.