In the second quarter, Ukraine’s gross external debt increased to 92.7% of GDP.

The amount of debt increased by $8.8B and, at the end of the half-year, amounted to $148.6B, the National Bank informs. In the second quarter, the public sector’s external debt increased to $84.5B (52.7% of GDP), while the private sector’s debt rose to $64.1B (40% of GDP).
In the state’s sector, growth occurred because of net borrowing through $8.8B in loans from international partners, including $3.6B from the IMF, while government debt from securities decreased by $0.12B.
The volume of external liabilities belonging to Ukrainian banks decreased to $1.8B (1.1% of GDP), mainly through debt reduction for loans of the same amount. The foreign debt in other sectors of the economy increased to $41.3B (25.8% of GDP). This is due to the growth of foreign debt under guaranteed loans and securities.