Britain transfers Paveway guided aerial bombs to Ukraine as it continues to purchase oil products produced from Russian raw materials.

Friday, April 26, 2024
Britain transfers Paveway guided aerial bombs to Ukraine as it continues to purchase oil products produced from Russian raw materials.

As part of its largest package of military aid, the UK will hand over Paveway IV high-precision to Ukraine.

These aerial bombs are guided to their target with increased accuracy by using a laser guidance system. Ukraine’s military can launch these laser-guided munitions from an F-16 or Soviet-made aircraft.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine noted that during the full-scale invasion, London has provided Ukraine with unprecedented assistance and is one of the key donors providing direct budget support, with $2.5B delivered so far.

However, the UK continues to import petroleum products from countries that process Russian fossil fuels through a loophole in the law regarding imports. In 2023, Britain imported £2.2B of refined oil from India, China and Turkey, matching 2022’s record high total.

The country banned the import of petroleum products from Russia, but if the oil was processed in another country, it is not subject to restrictions.


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