Blackouts have forced only 1% of Ukrainian businesses to stop working.

According to an European Business Association (EBA) study, during constant power outages over the past two months the instability of electricity supply forced 66% of companies to change their work schedule, 40% to reduce production or services, and 12% to close some offices/branches/outlets. Another 9% suspended work or closed part of the premises. Only 1% completely stopped work, and 18% of surveyed companies were unaffected by the power outages. To minimize the power outage impact, 86% of businesses have installed generators or other power sources, 65% use alternative sources of communication and the internet, 25% transfer data to the cloud, and 22% implement cybersecurity measures. Only 10% of businesses had to relocate their business or staff due to power outages. In the end, the majority of companies, 72%, claim that a prolonged blackout will not force them to leave the Ukrainian market, 20% hesitate to answer, and only 8% assume such a possibility in the worst case.