The WB creates a multi-donor trust fund to support Ukraine.

On December 16, the World Bank announced the creation of a multi-donor trust fund to support the Ukrainian government in measures that will ensure the state’s critical needs in the current conditions and in further recovery. The Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Reform Trust Fund (URTF), managed by the WB, will provide a coordinated financing and support mechanism to assist the Government of Ukraine in sustaining its administrative and service delivery capacity, conducting relief efforts, as well as plan and implement Ukraine’s reconstruction and reform agenda. The fund will also provide resources for critical advisory and analytical work for relief and reconstruction efforts. Led by a founding pledge from Switzerland, contributors to the URTF include Austria, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden for an initial total of $250M. Canada and Japan have also pledged support to the URTF, and other partners are expected to join.