A Ukrainian seaport was privatized for triple the starting price.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Ust-Dunaisk seaport was sold at auction on Tuesday, January 17, for UAH 201M ($5.5M). The privatization of a seaport took place for the first time in the history of Ukraine, reported the State Property Fund. The FSMU emphasized that the final offer for the port exceeded the starting price of UAH 60M by 3.3 times due to the high competition among eight entrepreneurs who wanted to purchase the port. Currently, the port is operating at only 5% of its capacity. From January-September 2022, Ust-Dunaisk generated UAH 848,000 in net profit. And for 11 months last year, the port paid more than UAH 9M in taxes. The fund emphasized that the Ust-Dunaisk port has great potential for developing logistics for Ukrainian food exports.