Which type of business in Ukraine files for bankruptcy most often?

In the first quarter of 2024, 192 businesses received court decisions regarding bankruptcy proceedings. The largest number among them are legal entities working in trade and providing transport repair services – 36.5%. According to the State Statistics Service, this applies to wholesale and retail trade and car and motorcycle repairs.
Also, 22.9% of bankruptcies are recorded in financial services, including financial and insurance activities, real estate transactions, professional, scientific, and technical activities, as well as administrative and auxiliary services.
16.6% of the issued decisions by bankruptcy courts were received by legal entities engaged in industrial activities. In some industries, bankruptcies occur less frequently (less than 10%): construction – 9.4%; agriculture, forestry, and fishing – 6.25%; information and telecommunications – 4.7%.
Logistics and food businesses have the lowest number of bankruptcies (less than 5%).