Which enterprises have become the Ukrainian wholesale trade market’s leaders during the war?

Almost half of the 10 most successful Ukrainian wholesalers are businesses that trade solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels alongside similar products, reported Opendatabot. In particular, Okko, WOG, West Petrol Market, and DTEK Trading, which trades in energy products, made it to the top ten.
The list also includes businesses that sell tobacco (Tedis Ukraine and Philip Morris Sales and Distribution). Only two companies from the list sell food products: MHP (meat) and Kernel Trade (grain). Pharmaceutical company Optima Pharm and Metinvest-SMC were also included in the rating. Together, these businesses earned ₴458.95B last year.
The top ten businesses in the wholesale industry have changed significantly since 2021. For example, two businesses specializing in wholesale grain trade dropped from the rating. One is Nibulon, with a 63% revenue decrease this year, and a significant part of their facilities and equipment still under occupation. The combined income of the top 10 wholesale trade companies in 2022 decreased by 10% compared to 2021.