Vollert, the German giant, is getting ready to build factories in Ukraine.

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Vollert, the German giant, is getting ready to build factories in Ukraine.

A German industrial consortium led by Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH is launching a network of high-tech factories dedicated to producing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in Ukraine. These advanced automated technologies will facilitate faster, higher quality, and larger-scale construction, according to the company. The main project involves a targeted program featuring a PPP mechanism that blends state interests with private investment.

The first cities slated to receive the largest foreign investments will be Kyiv and Kharkiv. Upcoming negotiations with Kharkiv’s Mayor, Igor Terekhov, will be dedicated to discussions concerning the launch of the first factory. The initial investment will exceed ₴5B. This enterprise will become the largest in Europe, with an annual capacity of 450,000 square meters. The goal of the operation is to achieve construction of one million square meters per year.

The project is being implemented under the auspices of Euler Hermes, Germany’s largest insurance company, and is financed by a consortium of European banks. Soon, new digital construction technologies will enable Ukraine to enter European and global housing markets.


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