Up to 8,000 Jewish Orthodox pilgrims are expected to converge on Uman in mid-September for the annual Rosha Hashanah pilgrimage

Monday, August 3, 2020
Up to 8,000 Jewish Orthodox pilgrims are expected to converge on Uman in mid-September for the annual Rosha Hashanah pilgrimage

Up to 8,000 Jewish Orthodox pilgrims are expected to converge on Uman in mid-September for the annual Rosha Hashanah pilgrimage, reports The Jerusalem Post. Contradicting reports from Uman, Ukraine’s Chief Rabbi, Yaakov Dov Bleich, says pilgrims will fly in from Israel. The will have to undergo tests at Ukraine’s airports and then download the self-isolation app. Last week, Israel was on the list of ‘red zone’ countries maintained by Ukraine’s Health Ministry. Normally, 30,000 pilgrims travel to Uman for the high holidays.

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