Ukrainians have borrowed 12 times less money since the war.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Loan amounts provided by microfinance organizations fell to UAH 1.3B in the second quarter of the current year, compared to UAH 16.2B before the war. This is more than 12 times less than the average amount of microcredit issued in the same quarter last year, reported Opendatabot. More than 355,646 contracts were executed in the second quarter, two times less than the number of contracts per month in the first quarter of 2022 and 3.3 times less than the number of contracts per month in 2021. The average loan amount in the second quarter also decreased by 28%. At the same time, microloan debt decreased by 18% from the beginning of the year, from UAH 13B at the beginning of the year to UAH 10.7B at the beginning of July.