Ukrainians can become owners of the state’s share of the Ocean Plaza shopping center.

Inzhur Ocean, a joint investment fund, was created to buy out the state’s share of 66.65% of Ukraine’s largest shopping mall, Ocean Plaza. On October 19, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission submitted data on the Inzhur Ocean fund to the Unified State Register of Joint Investment Institutions. The investment fund was launched to allow thousands of Ukrainians to participate in the auction to privatize 66.65% of the corporate rights of the companies that own the shopping center building.
“We believe that this real estate should become a national asset; therefore, the minimum investment threshold has been set at the level of ₴4,000 ($110), and we are preparing for the largest crowdfunding in the business history of Ukraine,” the foundation’s website says.
The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU) recommends setting the starting sale price at the asset’s book value for the last reporting period. The book value of 66.65% is ₴1.32B. At the same time, the SPFU expects to sell the lot at a higher price than the book value.