Ukraine’s producers and consumers of green energy have received guarantees that will increase investment attractiveness and export potential.

Green electricity production can benefit both RES owners and industrialists. A government resolution regulating the procedure for fixing guarantees to create green energy should make investment more attractive to producers of energy and products made using green energy.
This is the explanation given of the benefits for businesses that will be gained by introducing guarantees of origin for electricity produced from RES, which are outlined in the new government decision. The latest resolution regulates several essential procedures that must be clearly defined in Ukrainian energy legislation.
According to the Ministry of Energy, introducing origin guarantees for electricity will significantly increase Ukraine’s energy sector’s export potential.
“Green energy consumers will have the opportunity to confirm its origin from RES and ecological value. It will allow industrial enterprises to prove that their goods were produced from clean energy and increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods on the European market,” commented the Ministry of Energy.