Ukraine will receive another $2.2B from the IMF.

The Board of Directors of the IMF completed the fourth review of the Extended Fund Facility for Ukraine (EFF), deciding to allocate about $2.2B to budget support.
“Despite the difficult conditions, Ukraine’s indicators within the framework of the EFF program remain high. All performance criteria at the end of March were achieved, and all structural beacons at the end of June were fulfilled on time or with a slight delay,” the IMF stated.
The fund also noted that the Ukrainian economy remains stable, although the outlook is uncertain.
“Sustained momentum of reforms and timely provision of external support is necessary to preserve macroeconomic stability, restore fiscal and debt stability, as well as strengthen institutional reforms to pave the way to joining the EU,” experts emphasized.
Note that with the new tranche, the total amount of payments under the program will reach about $7.6B. The 48-month, $15.6B EFF program was approved on March 31, 2023.