Ukraine will hold pilot green auctions to attract investors to renewable generation.

The Cabinet of Ministers instructed the Ministry of Energy to ensure the organization and conduct of a green auction pilot program to attract investors to renewable generation.
The government has adopted a document implementing the practice of pilot auctions for the distribution of support quotas for RES producers. It concerns solar, wind, biogas, and micro and small hydroelectric power plants.
According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, these auctions will allow potential investors to receive guaranteed support, accelerating the implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy. The Cabinet of Ministers also established an additional annual quota for 2024, the schedule of auctions for the distribution of the support quota, and the maximum price offer for auction participants.
Pilot auctions for the distribution of support quotas will be held in October and November. The first electricity facilities that are expected to be installed as a result of these auctions are anticipated to start generating electricity in 2025.